Chair Co-Chair
Dr. Ing. Diego Comas

Dr. Ing. Diego Comas
Dr. Ing. Diego Comas

Diego Comas  is an Electronics Engineer received in 2010 from the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Mar del Plata (FI-UNMDP), Argentina, and a Doctor of Engineering, electronic orientation received at the same Faculty in 2016. He is a researcher at the Laboratory of Image Processing (LPI) of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Research in Electronics (ICyTE, dependent on the UNMDP and CONICET) and an Assistant Researcher at CONICET, Argentina, specializing in medical image segmentation, knowledge discovery, Fuzzy Logic, Deep-Learning and acquisition and processing of biomedical signals. He is an Associate Professor, of exclusive dedication, of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Computing of the FI-UNMDP, with teaching tasks in the subjects “Probability and Stochastic Processes”, and “Introduction to Digital Image Processing” and the postgraduate course “Recognition of images with Machine Learning”. He carried out research stays at the Center for Advanced Studies in Information and Communication Technologies (Jaén, Spain); the Computational Modeling Laboratory – Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium), and the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME) – University of São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil; May 2012).

Dra. Ing. Virginia Ballarin

Dra. Ing. Virginia Ballarin
Dra. Ing. Virginia Ballarin

Virginia Laura Ballarin is Electronic Engineer and PhD in Bioengineering. She is Full Professor in Signal Processing area at the Electronics Engineering Department of the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMDP), Argentina and Director of the Image Processing Research Group at Research Institute of Science and Technology in Electronics (ICYTE). (Research category 1).
She has directed more than 20 PhD thesis and 25 undergraduate thesis, all in biomedical image processing area. She is author of more than 75 papers in refereed journals and more than 130 conference presentations.
Since 2017 she is member of the Council of the Institute of Science and Technology in Electronics (ICYTE). Currently she is Creator and Director of the Postgraduate Programme inBioengineering at the UNMDP, and from 2015, Editor of the Argentinian Journal of Bioengineering.
She was President of the Argentinean Bioengineering Society from 2013 to 2015 and President of the Argentinian Chapter of EMBS – IEEE form 2016 to 2018. She was EMBS Representative member at the IEEE International Women in Engineering Committee (WIEC) during 2021 and Secretary of the Argentinean IEEE WIE Affinity Group from 2013 to 2016.
She is currently Chair of the Committee of Women in MBE of the IFMBE and Vice President of the IEEE Argentinian Chapter,
She is Secretary General of the Latin American Council of Biomedical Engineering (CORAL) from 2020.
She has been member of several Peer Comitees in academic evaluation of Graduate and Postgraduate Careers for Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Colombia in ARCUSUR System since 2008.


PhD. Anselmo Frizera

PhD. Anselmo Frizera

Anselmo Frizera-Neto holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering (2006) from the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES, Brazil) and a PhD (2010) in Electronics from the University of Alcalá (UAH, Spain). Between 2006 and 2010, he worked as a pre-doctoral researcher at the Bioengineering Group at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, Spain). Since 2010, he has held a permanent position as a Professor of the Electrical Engineering Department at UFES. He acted as the Adjunct Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering for two terms. From 2014 to 2018, he served as a Member of the Board of Asociación Iberoamericana de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad (AITADIS), contributing to support the dissemination of knowledge in the area of assistive technologies in countries of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. Currently, he is the Coordinator of the Brazilian Research Group on Brain and Cognitive Engineering (BRAEN), a multidisciplinary group of experts in Engineering, Medicine and Psychology that aim at modeling and studying the human brain. In his career as a researcher, Prof. Frizera-Neto has published more than 300 scientific articles, of which more than 140 are publications in international scientific journals. He worked in the training of masters and doctors in institutions in Brazil, Argentina, Italy, and Portugal. He has experience in Electronics, Photonics and Biomedical Engineering. His research interests and areas of expertise are rehabilitation robotics for assisting cognitive and motor impairments, development of optical and electronic sensors for human-machine interfaces, biomedical signal processing and smart textiles.


The Bioengineering program is tightly related to IEEE-EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society). Fields of interest are the development and application of engineering concepts and methods to biology, medicine, and health sciences to provide effective solutions to biological, medical, and health problems. The field encompasses the development of mathematical theories, physical, biological, and chemical principles, computational models and algorithms, devices, and systems for clinical, industrial, and educational applications.

For this topic, the following subtopics are suggested. Please note that you may send your paper beyond the scope of this list. To submit the paper follow the instructions Tutorial for Paper Submissions


  • Bioinformatics
  • Biomaterials and tissue engineering
  • Biomechanics
  • Biomedical Image Processing
  • Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Clinical engineering and medical technology management
  • Education and Bioengineering
  • Equipment, instrumentation, sensors and measurements
  • Medical informatics
  • Models and simulation of biomedical systems
  • Rehabilitation Engineering





996 Age-Stratified Coronary Artery Calcium Levels Quantification Based on Arterial Biomechanical Parameters Leandro Javier Cymberknop, Nicolas Aguirre, Eugenia Ipar and Ricardo Armentano
1420 Simuladores de entrenamiento basados en realidad virtual: Aplicaciones en medicina Franco Penizzotto, Claudio Rosales and Vicente Mut
1629 Model-based Fully Dense UNet for Image Enhancement in Software-defined Optoacoustic Tomography Martin German Gonzalez and Leonardo Rey Vega
2645 A serious game controlled by myoelectric signals for prosthetic use training Mariano Sosa, Juan Manuel Fontana, Ronald O’Brien, Eric Laciar and Leonardo Molisani
3211 Cardiovascular Age and Central Blood Pressure assessment based on Peripheral Blood Pressure Morphology and Artificial Neural Networks Eugenia Ipar, Nicolas Aguirre, Leandro Javier Cymberknop and Ricardo Armentano
5691 Diseño de sensores virtuales con corrección de retardo fisiológico para el monitoreo de glucosa en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo I. Estefania Aguirre-Zapata, Adriana N. Amicarelli, Fernando di Sciascio and Jose Garcia-Tirado
6083 Real-time processing of electromyography signals using artificial neural networks Sebastián Yair Suaid, María Inés Pisarello, Christian Manuel Torres Salinas and Jorge Emilio Monzón
6498 Assessment of areas of the vocal space and formants to characterize people with and without Parkinson’s disease. Monica Giuliano, Luis Fernández, Silvia Noemí Pérez and Alejandro Renato
6744 Towards a Low-Cost Non-Invasive Glucose Sensor Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Preliminary Results Martín Calero, Malena Loza and Diego Benitez
8352 Detection of corpora lutea in ovary stained tissue with Deep Learning Ignacio Bosch, Reyna Der Boghosian and C E Romero
8674 Development of a low-cost sEMG Acquisition and processing platform Valentina Mejía Gallón, Stirley Madrid Vélez and Juan Ramírez
8708 Development of an ultrasonic device to control algal of the genus microystis in the San Roque reservoir, Cordona: First steps to evaluation of its effects. Florencia E. Romero, Araceli Ferreyra, Micaela S. Marasas, Micaela Juaneda Allende, Mauro G. Gómez, Diego C. Constanzo, Guido Marconi, Carlos A. Vitulich, Pedro Ruiz Diaz, Matías L. Ceballos, Santiago A. Rodríguez González, Silvana R. Halac, María V. Amé, María I. Rodríguez and Andrés Rodríguez