Authors are invited to submit papers no more than 6 pages in length in double-column format in Times Roman font on A4 paper using the standard IEEE PES Conference template ( The papers must clearly state the objectives of the work, its significance in advancing the state of the art, and the methods and specific results in sufficient detail. The submission should include appropriate key equations, figures, tables and references. Papers not conforming to these requirements will be rejected without review.

Papers are to be submitted via EDAS at . We have noted several interesting features of EDAS with regard to PDF checking. Please avoid using text boxes and also avoid using the Microsoft Word save as PDF feature. You must ensure all fonts are outline and embedded.

All submissions will go through a single-blind peer review process to ensure confidentiality and fair review.

Important Dates

  • Submission site opens: 1 April 2024
  • Full paper submission: 31 July 2024
  • Author notification: 31 August 2024
  • Final manuscript submission: 15 September 2024
  • Conference: 20-22 November 2024

All papers should be submitted via EDAS at