IEEE Communication Theory Workshop
26-29 May 2019 // Selfoss, Iceland

Call for Participation

Authors are invited to participate in the IEEE Communication Theory Workshop through a regular poster session and in a data bakeoff competition.

Call for Posters

The technical program committee is soliciting contributions for the poster session devoted to recent results in the general area of communication theory. We especially encourage students and junior researchers to participate. There will be no published proceedings. Extended abstracts (2 pages maximum, double column, IEEE style file) for the poster session should be submitted with CTW 2019 in the subject to: Nuria González Prelcic at ngprelcic@utexas.edu and Luca Sanguinetti luca.sanguinetti@unipi.it.

Electronic submissions must be in the Adobe PDF format, and of sufficient detail to permit careful review.

Abstract submission deadline: March 17, 2019 March 31, 2019.

Acceptance notification: March 31, 2019 April 7, 2019.

Please note that the maximum poster size should be A0 and in portrait.

Data Bakeoff

As a novelty, a competition will be held at IEEE Communication Theory Workshop this year.  Contestants will work with real data and develop algorithms for problems related to communication theory. See below for a more detailed description of the two competitions.

The award to the winning team from each competition is 500 USD.

Participants can sign up for the competitions through the registration process. Each team should present a poster at the conference describing their algorithms and experiments. Please note that the maximum poster size should be A0 and in portrait.

Please submit an extended abstract (at most 2 pages, double column, IEEE style) with CTW 2019 in the subject to Erik G. Larsson at erik.g.larsson@liu.se and Urbashi Mitra at ubli@usc.edu. The abstract may contain only preliminary results, and the participants are free to further develop their algorithm after having submitted the abstract.

Abstract submission deadline: March 17, 2019 March 31, 2019.

Acceptance notification: March 31, 2019 April 7, 2019.

Positioning Algorithm Competition

The contestants should develop an algorithm for transmitter positioning based on measurements from a MIMO array.

Find more information here.

The winners of the positioning algorithm competition were Abdallah Sobehy, Eric Renault and Paul Muhlethaler from Télécom SudParis and Université Paris Saclay.

Molecular MIMO Competition

The contestants should design a molecular MIMO detection method based on measurements from a macro-scale testbed.

Find more information here.

The winners of the molecular MIMO competition were Yu Huang, Xuan Chen and Miaowen Wen from South China University of Technology.