Keynote Abstract
When most people think of engineering lectures (online or in person), ‘fun’ is probably not the first thing to come to mind. Yet, fun experiences are more memorable and can be very motivating for learners. With the rise of pedagogical approaches like ‘flipped learning’ and online education accelerated by the pandemic, online lecture videos are more widely available today. However, most educators are not fully utilizing the potential that video lectures offer to more effectively engage their students and save themselves time in the future. I will share my perspective on developing lecture videos that are an asset to educators while making engineering education more memorable and accessible.
Speaker: Prof. Katherine Kim
Prof. Katherine Kim is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Her research focuses on power electronics for emerging solar-powered applications. She received the 2022 IEEE PELS Award for Achievements in Power Electronics Education and 2019 IEEE PELS Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award.
For IEEE PELS, she has previously served as the Student Membership Chair, a Member-At-Large, the PELS Women in Engineering Chair, and currently serves as the Constitution and Bylaws Chair. She shares her engineering lecture videos on the “KatKimShow” YouTube channel and hopes to make power electronics more accessible and engaging for people around the world.