About the Program

Schooling is the best time to explore and learn new things. Students being the future inhabitants of the country need to be sensitized about climate change. When the hands-on experience is combined with the lessons of sustainability and solar energy,then the learning is enhanced & awareness begins at a tender age, which stays with them lifelong.

This program gives the real feel of not only experiencing solar energy but also a sense of achievement to the students in making their own solar based projects. If the students get the knowledge about solar energy, they can apply this kind of technology on their own and save the energy for future generation also. So be ready to energize life with solar power & bring the power of the sun to your service.

IEEE ESC for the same reason, provides ample opportunities for Pre-University students across the globe to understand the overview of climate change, sustainable technology and implement project-based learning approaches for the reflection of the Renewable Energy Sector. This event is a 6-Days program from 23rd August – 28th August 2021 in hybrid form.


  • Facilitating the students to achieve a clear conceptual understanding of technical and  commercial aspects of Solar Power Development and Management.
  • To promote solar energy as clean, zero carbon emission and cost-effective energy.
  • To design, build and operate epoxy based solar panels.
  • To use these panels for robotics, solar bags, toys and other small electronic products.
  • To discuss climate changes and the role of students in mitigating it.
  • To create a safe, skilled, and equitable solar workforce.

About PCCOER IEEE Student Branch

The IEEE student branch at PCCOE&R was established in the year 2019, Student branch code: STB11406 and is one of the energetic section in Region 10, Bombay section. Student branch aims at helping students recognize real world challenges by mentoring them to compete with other students from different institutions.