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Accepted papers final instructions

Dear Authors,

We would like to congratulate you for the acceptance of your article. Your contribution will be very important for the academic community. However, to formalize the publication of your document on IEEEXplore, you need to comply with 4 phases, and submit your final version until 31/08/2022:

  1. Paper style adjustment according to the IEEE template
  2. PDF eXpress verification
  3. Final version submission on EasyChair.
  4. Copyright agreement signature.
  1. Next, each of the phases will be detailed, keeping the order:

Phase 1. Paper style adjustment according to the IEEE template

At this stage it is needed to adjust the paper style according to the IEEE format. Those papers using the LaTeX sources, must replace the phrase Index Terms with Keywords. Likewise, be attentive to the information of the authors and affiliations. Additionally, the Copyright notice must be included in the document. Papers with more than 6 pages may be admitted but have to pay $20 for each additional page.

For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright

For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:

978-1-6654-8744-3/22/$31.00 ©2022 Crown

For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:

978-1-6654-8744-3/22/$31.00©2022 European Union

For all other papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-6654-8744-3/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE

Phase 2. PDF eXpress verification

Create Account for the ETCM2022 conference using 56276X as conference ID

Create New Title

Result must be Failed or Passed. 

If Failed, you have to download PDF Check report and resolve marked errors, then you must Try Again until Passed report. You have a limit of intents, try to resolve all errors at the same time.

Passed result. Select Approve for Colletion, download PDF (in title link), and update it on easychair website.

Phase 3. Final version submission on EasyChair.

The document generated in phase 2 must be uploaded to the Easychair platform. To do so, enter in Easychair and go to Final Version menu..

Accepted papers have Final Version Access Link from My Submissions menu or directly using “proceedings author (IEEE Proceedings)” role.

If you need, also you can update paper title or authors details.

Phase 4. Copyright agreement signature.

Finally, appealing to the principles of transparency of the congress, we also kindly ask for filling the copyright section.