Full Program for ETCM 2021

Download the full program here:
Tutorial schedules for Tuesday, October 12th
Tutorial | Time | Software |
Smart mobility based on electro mobility | 14:00-18:00 | |
Best practices for technical-scientific publications (Introductory level). | 10:00-14:00 | |
Immersion IoT FastTrack WIFI | 9:00-13:00 | |
Generación de dashboards de gestión con herramientas Cloud. | 9:00-13:00 | |
Real Time Simulation in MatLab | 9:00:-13:00 | MATLAB y Simulink |
Smart City and Smart Grid | 9:00-13:00 | Packet tracert, Simulink y Pvsyst |
Information for authors
Sessions per track
Thursday October 14th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Edwuin Carrasquero Rodríguez. | ||
58 | Alexis Javier Carrion Silva, Angie Melanie Reyes Calderon and Laberiano Andrade-Arenas | Prototype of an augmented reality application to improve the learning process at a university in northern Lima |
59 | José Antonio Carrillo Zenteno and Johanna Rosalí Reyes Reinoso | Access to technology services in South America in times of COVID-19. |
61 | Sebastián Cedillo, Esteban Sanchez Cordero, Katherine Narea, Luis Timbe, Esteban Samaniego and Andres Alvarado | Differences between effective and physical roughness parameter- A headwater mountain river experiment. |
95 | Daniel Gómez, Alexandra Bermeo, Daniela Prado and Priscila Cedillo | Microlearning method to building learning capsules for older adults: A case study for COVID-19 prevention at home. |
98 | Juan Sebastian Peñaloza Marin, José Julio Freire Cabrera, Nathaly Verónica Orozco Garzón and Henry Ramiro Carvajal Mora | Virtual learning environments based on Beacons devices. |
Wednesday October 13th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Santiago Chamba | ||
2 | Jose M. Aller, Christian Amendaño, Modesto R. Chuñir, Julio C. Viola and Jose A. Restrepo | Wind Energy Conversion System using a Squirrel Cage Induction Generator Coupled to the Network with a Predictive DPC. |
6 | Jose Aller, Jose Restrepo and Julio Viola | Voltage Behind Reactance Model of Induction Machines using ATPDraw and MODELS. |
16 | Diego Arias and Angel Vaca Peñafiel | Multi-objective Optimization of Active and Reactive Power to assess Bus Loadability Limit. |
25 | Peter Vallejo-Correa, Carlos Barrera-Singaña and Alex Valenzuela | Evaluation of Heuristic Techniques for Solving the Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). |
26 | Carlos Velásquez, M. Ángeles Castro, Francisco Rodríguez, Francisco Espín and Nathaly Falconí | Optimization of the calibration interval of a luminous flux measurement system in HID and SSL lamps using a gray model approximation. |
29 | Elmer Sorrentino and Fravier León | Influence of Parameters of Power System Stabilizers on Power System Stability and Voltage Recovery Speed |
30 | Greta Navas, Elmer Sorrentino and Emar Orea | Analysis of Out-of-Step Blocking Functions of Distance Relays at Venezuelan 765kV System |
Friday October 15th 08.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chair: Santiago Chama | ||
35 | Ernesto Jaramillo, José Raúl Castro, Tuesman Castillo and Ruth Reátegui | Data Mining in Electrical Distribution Networks: Optimal Location of Pilot Bus. |
39 | Cristián Marcelo Muñoz, Luis Manriquez and Felipe Vásquez | Balancing Ancillary Services: The Chilean auctions. |
42 | Cristián Marcelo Muñoz, Luis Manriquez and Felipe Vásquez | Inflexible LNG and its Impact on the Chilean Electricity power system. |
56 | Jose Aller, Jose Restrepo and Julio Viola | Voltage Behind Reactance Model of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator using Space Vectors. |
89 | Elmer Sorrentino, Carlos Ferreiro and Eduardo Cabeza | Useful Details about Testing Protective Relays with Signals that Include Effects of Travelling Waves. |
90 | Luis A. Paredes, Marcelo G. Molina, Marcelo Pozo and Benjamín R. Serrano | Improvement of Dynamic Voltage Stability in a Resilient Microgrid based on Smart Inverters & SVC. |
Social issues and professional practice | ||
Wednesday October 13th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chairs: Mara Falconí | ||
57 | Jorge Buzzio-Garcia, Victor Salazar-Vilchez, Jhonatan Moreno-Torres and Omar Leon-Estofanero | Review of Cybersecurity in LatinAmerica during the Covid-19 Pandemic. A brief Overview. |
74 | Oscar M. Cumbicus-Pineda, Tania Abad-Eras and Lisset A. Neyra-Romero | Data mining to determine the causes of gender-based violence against women in Ecuador. |
116 | Ronny Cabrera, Andrea Carrión and Andy Cabrera | Using the engineering design process to increase interest in STEM areas: Case study of a video game creation camp. |
Thursday October 14th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Ramiro Taco | ||
19 | Daniel Cardenas, Diego Benitez, Mario Ruiz, Wilson Enriquez, Paola Nazate, Cristina Ramos, Christian Espín and Verónica Soria | On the Monitoring of the Electromagnetic Fields Accompanying the Seismic and Volcanic Activity of the Chiles Volcano: Preliminary Results. |
68 | Duarte Oliveira, Nicolly Cardoso and Gracieth Batista | A Novel Stretchable Clock Based Communication Port Controller for GALS Pipeline Systems. |
70 | Duarte Oliveira, Nicolly Cardoso and Gracieth Batista | A New Method for Synthesis of Self-Timed Combinational Circuits with Strong Indication. |
81 | Juan Hernández, Johanna Nandar, David Changoluisa, Patricio Cruz and Esteban Valencia | Test-bench Development for the Efficiency Analysis of UAV Motor-Propeller Sets. |
91 | Juan-José Jiménez, André Borja, Laetitia Silly, Luis-Miguel Prócel, Lionel Trojman and Ramiro Taco | Implementation of 32nm MD5 Crypto-Processor using Different Topographical Synthesis Techniques and Comparison with 500nm Node. |
94 | Kevin Vicuña, Cristhopher Mosquera, Mateo Rendón, Ariana Musello, Marco Lanuzza, Luis Miguel Prócel, Ramiro Taco and Lionel Trojman | A 180 nm Low-Cost Operational Amplifier for IoT applications. |
106 | Mateo Rendón, Christian Cao, Kevin Landázuri, Luis Miguel Prócel, Lionel Trojman and Ramiro Taco | Assessment of 10 nm Tunnel-FETs and FinFETs transistors for ultra-low voltage and high-speed digital circuits. |
Wednesday October 13th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Martha Cecilia Paredes | ||
24 | Ana María Balladares Ocaña, Roger Michell Idrovo Urgilés and Jose Antonio Soria Perez | Design and Implementation of a Web Platform Prototype Based a IoT Gateway Using Raspberry Pi for Livestock Monitoring. |
34 | Marlon Rodríguez, Ricardo Flores, Noel Pérez, Daniel Riofrio and Diego Benitez | Path Planning Optimization in SDN Using Machine Learning Techniques. |
43 | Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez, Itzel-Iliana Rosas-Suarez and Diana-Laura Fernandez-Tinoco | Management of the Continental Advanced Networks GEANT and AFRICACONNECT Joint as Two Autonomous Systems by BGP-4 Under IPv6: Using Limited Resources. |
46 | José David Vega Sánchez, Luis Felipe Urquiza-Aguiar, Martha Cecilia Paredes Paredes and F. Javier López-Martínez | Secure Systems via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces over Correlated Rayleigh Channels. |
Thursday October 14th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Soraya Sinche | ||
78 | Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez, Juan Ramos-Estela and William-Rogelio Marchand-Niño | Comparison for the Hardware Defined Networks vs the Software Defined Networks Environments for IPv6 When Applied to the Backbone of the Advanced Network REUNA. |
82 | Evelyn Pérez, Verónica Soria, Lenin Aucatoma and Germán Arévalo | Performance and complexity analysis of SIC and OSIC detectors for massive MIMO systems. |
113 | Javier Caceres and Diego Avila | Cybersecurity study in 5G network Slicing Technology: A systematic mapping review. |
Wednesday October 13th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chairs: Patricia Acosta Vargas y Benjamin Baran. | ||
12 | Javier Alejandro Ordóñez Flores, Robin Gerardo Alvarez Rueda, Marco E. Benalcázar, Lorena Isabel Barona López, Leonardo Leonardo Valdivieso Caraguay, Patricio Cruz and Juan Pablo Vásconez | A new methodology for pattern recognition applied to hand gestures recognition using EMG. Analysis of intrapersonal and interpersonal variability. |
17 | Guillermo Rodríguez Lopez, Hover Torres Gutama, Marlon Fajardo Vélez and Jonathan Medina Muñoz | Covid-19 in Ecuador: Radiography of hospital distribution using data science. |
31 | Ricardo Muriel, Noel Pérez, Diego Benitez, Daniel Riofrio, Giovanni Ramon, Emilia Peñaherrera and Diego Cisneros-Heredia | BeetleID: An Android Solution to Detect Ladybird Beetles. |
32 | Daniel Aguilar, Daniel Riofrio, Diego Benitez, Noel Pérez and Ricardo Flores | Text-based CAPTCHA Vulnerability Assessment using a Deep Learning-based Solver. |
33 | Mike Pinta, Pablo Medina-Pérez, Daniel Riofrio, Noel Pérez, Diego Benitez and Ricardo Flores | Automatic Manifesto Comparison using NLP Techniques and The Manifesto Project Domains – Case Study: 2021 Ecuadorian Presidential Elections. |
Friday October 15th 08.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chairs: Patricia Acosta Vargas y Benjamin Baran. | ||
38 | Ricardo Llugsi, Samira El Yacoubi, Allyx Fontaine and Pablo Lupera | Comparison between Adam, AdaMax and AdamW optimizers to implement a Weather Forecast based on Neural Networks for the Andean city of Quito |
60 | Franklin Parrales Bravo, Joel Torres Urresto, Dayannara Ávila Maldonado and Julio Barzola Monteses | Relevant and non-redundant feature subset selection applied to the detection of malware in a network. |
102 | Marco Benalcázar and Kelvin Ortiz Chicaiza | A Brain-Computer Interface for Controlling IoT Devices using EEG Signals. |
108 | Bryan Chimbo, Paola Ingavelez and Salvador Otón | Accessibility metadata: A proposal for the OER´s evaluation considering quality. |
109 | Mario Peña, Mariela Cerrada and Laura Lanzarini | Data-driven gearbox fault severity diagnosis based on concept drift. |
Wednesday October 13th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Ángel Gil | ||
13 | Leandro Ponce, Patricio Cruz and Diego Maldonado | Path Planning and Collision Prevention based on Computer Vision applied to a Mini-sized Multi-robot Testbed. |
72 | Byron Sarabia, Danilo Chavez, Kleber Patiño and Oscar Camacho | A Control Techniques Comparison for Trajectory Tracking for a Robotics Platform With Time Delay. |
75 | Alex Chico, Patricio J. Cruz, Juan Pablo Vásconez, Marco E. Benalcázar, Robin Álvarez, Lorena Barona and Ángel Leonardo Valdivieso | Hand Gesture Recognition and Tracking Control for a Virtual UR5 Robot Manipulator. |
120 | Manuel Cardona | Exoskeleton Robot for Rehabilitation ALICE: Jacobian and Workspace Analysis. |
Thursday October 14th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Leonel Vásquez | ||
4 | Suraj Shinde | Heart Disease Detection with Deep Learning using a combination of multiple input sources. |
67 | Kevin Mosquera, Marco Amaya, Luis Calle, Julio Zambrano and Marco Carpio | Topology Optimization and Control Design of an Artificial Respirator. |
83 | Emilia Meza, Maria Trujillo and Andrés Rosales | Recognizing Lower Limb Pathology Thought An EMG Classification Model. |
84 | Richard A. Vergaray, Roger F. Del Aguila, Gladys A. Avellaneda, Ricardo Palomares, José Cornejo and Jorge A. Cornejo-Aguilar | Mechatronic System Design and Development of iROD: EMG Controlled Bionic Prosthesis for Middle-Third Forearm Amputee. |
Friday October 15th 8.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chair: David Rivas | ||
86 | Christian Mauricio Ushiña-Vela, Cosme Damián Mejía-Echeverría, Victor Alfonso Erazo-Arteaga and Diego Luis Ortiz-Morales | Determination of the service life of 3D printed COVID-19 personal protective devices. |
107 | Erika Severeyn, Alexandra La Cruz and Mónica Huerta | Classification of Impaired Waist to Height Ratio and Waist to Hip Ratio Using Support Vector Machine. |
110 | Geovanny Satama-Bermeo, Karol Quilachamin, Alvaro Torres, Malena Loza and Alberto Sanchez | Simulation and Comparison of Glucose-insulinModels for Type 1 Diabetes Virtual Patient. |
Thursday October 14th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Ivan Escandon. | ||
79 | Renato Ortega, Mariela Cerrada, Diego Cabrera and René-Vinicio Sánchez | A Method for the Estimation of the Constant Load Torque by using the steady-state electrical torque signal. |
Thursday October 14th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Priscila Cedillo. | ||
18 | Milton Campoverde-Molina, Sergio Luján-Mora and Llorenç Valverde | Evaluation of the accessibility of the home pages of the web portals of Ecuadorian higher education institutions ranked in Webometrics. |
45 | Alexandre de Jesus Aragão, Dionisio Carvalho and Wilhelmus Van Noije | A firmware platform for breast cancer microwave imaging. |
88 | Daniel Peralta, María Caridad Cáceres and Villie Morocho | Digital Identity Proposal for Unified Medical Record using Blockchain technology. |
111 | Christian Rolando Coronel Balderramo and Segundo Leopoldo Pauta Ayabaca | Prototype of a Conversational Agent for the Catholic University of Cuenca. |
112 | Jonathan Zea, Marco Benalcázar, Lorena Barona and Leonardo Valdivieso | An Open-Source Data Acquisition and Manual Segmentation System for Hand Gesture Recognition based on EMG. |
Wednesday October 13th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Mariela Cerrada | ||
1 | Jorge Espin and Oscar Camacho. | A Proposal of Dynamic Sliding Mode Controller for Integrating processes with Inverse Response and Deadtime. |
8 | Juan Sebastián Estrada and Oscar Camacho | Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for a pH Neutralization Reactor: A Hybrid Approach Based on Fuzzy Systems. |
14 | Hanna Aboukheir, Marco Herrera, Edinzo Iglesias and Oscar Camacho | Dynamic Sliding Mode Control based on Fuzzy Systems for Nonlinear Processes. |
21 | Alisson Moya, Yaritza Vinueza and Oscar Camacho | A Comparison of Sliding Mode and Linear Algebra Controllers for Nonlinear Chemical Processes with Variable Parameters. |
Thursday October 14th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Mariela Cerrada | ||
22 | Cristian Amaguaña and Oscar Camacho | Sliding Mode Control for a Conical Tank: Empirical vs. Coordinate Transformation Linearization Comparison. |
114 | Jose Pereira, María Fernanda Mora and Wilton Agila | Qualitative model to maximize shrimp growth at low cost. |
125 | Luis Angel Bucheli Carpio and Aristides Reyes Bacardi | Modeling and analysis by Viscous Fluid Heating Process Identification in a Plate Heat Exchanger |
Sessions per day
Wednesday October 13th
Systems and Control | ||
14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Mariela Cerrada | ||
1 | Jorge Espin and Oscar Camacho. | A Proposal of Dynamic Sliding Mode Controller for Integrating processes with Inverse Response and Deadtime. |
8 | Juan Sebastián Estrada and Oscar Camacho | Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for a pH Neutralization Reactor: A Hybrid Approach Based on Fuzzy Systems. |
14 | Hanna Aboukheir, Marco Herrera, Edinzo Iglesias and Oscar Camacho | Dynamic Sliding Mode Control based on Fuzzy Systems for Nonlinear Processes. |
21 | Alisson Moya, Yaritza Vinueza and Oscar Camacho | A Comparison of Sliding Mode and Linear Algebra Controllers for Nonlinear Chemical Processes with Variable Parameters. |
Power and Energy | ||
14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Santiago Chamba | ||
2 | Jose M. Aller, Christian Amendaño, Modesto R. Chuñir, Julio C. Viola and Jose A. Restrepo | Wind Energy Conversion System using a Squirrel Cage Induction Generator Coupled to the Network with a Predictive DPC. |
6 | Jose Aller, Jose Restrepo and Julio Viola | Voltage Behind Reactance Model of Induction Machines using ATPDraw and MODELS. |
16 | Diego Arias and Angel Vaca Peñafiel | Multi-objective Optimization of Active and Reactive Power to assess Bus Loadability Limit. |
25 | Peter Vallejo-Correa, Carlos Barrera-Singaña and Alex Valenzuela | Evaluation of Heuristic Techniques for Solving the Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). |
26 | Carlos Velásquez, M. Ángeles Castro, Francisco Rodríguez, Francisco Espín and Nathaly Falconí | Optimization of the calibration interval of a luminous flux measurement system in HID and SSL lamps using a gray model approximation. |
29 | Elmer Sorrentino and Fravier León | Influence of Parameters of Power System Stabilizers on Power System Stability and Voltage Recovery Speed |
30 | Greta Navas, Elmer Sorrentino and Emar Orea | Analysis of Out-of-Step Blocking Functions of Distance Relays at Venezuelan 765kV System |
Communications | ||
Miércoles 13 de octubre 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chairs: Martha Cecilia Paredes | ||
24 | Ana María Balladares Ocaña, Roger Michell Idrovo Urgilés and Jose Antonio Soria Perez | Design and Implementation of a Web Platform Prototype Based a IoT Gateway Using Raspberry Pi for Livestock Monitoring. |
34 | Marlon Rodríguez, Ricardo Flores, Noel Pérez, Daniel Riofrio and Diego Benitez | Path Planning Optimization in SDN Using Machine Learning Techniques. |
43 | Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez, Itzel-Iliana Rosas-Suarez and Diana-Laura Fernandez-Tinoco | Management of the Continental Advanced Networks GEANT and AFRICACONNECT Joint as Two Autonomous Systems by BGP-4 Under IPv6: Using Limited Resources. |
46 | José David Vega Sánchez, Luis Felipe Urquiza-Aguiar, Martha Cecilia Paredes Paredes and F. Javier López-Martínez | Secure Systems via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces over Correlated Rayleigh Channels. |
Miércoles 13 de octubre 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Ángel Gil | ||
13 | Leandro Ponce, Patricio Cruz and Diego Maldonado | Path Planning and Collision Prevention based on Computer Vision applied to a Mini-sized Multi-robot Testbed. |
72 | Byron Sarabia, Danilo Chavez, Kleber Patiño and Oscar Camacho | A Control Techniques Comparison for Trajectory Tracking for a Robotics Platform With Time Delay. |
75 | Alex Chico, Patricio J. Cruz, Juan Pablo Vásconez, Marco E. Benalcázar, Robin Álvarez, Lorena Barona and Ángel Leonardo Valdivieso | Hand Gesture Recognition and Tracking Control for a Virtual UR5 Robot Manipulator. |
120 | Manuel Cardona | Exoskeleton Robot for Rehabilitation ALICE: Jacobian and Workspace Analysis. |
Computational Intelligence | ||
16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chairs: Patricia Acosta Vargas y Benjamin Baran. | ||
12 | Javier Alejandro Ordóñez Flores, Robin Gerardo Alvarez Rueda, Marco E. Benalcázar, Lorena Isabel Barona López, Leonardo Leonardo Valdivieso Caraguay, Patricio Cruz and Juan Pablo Vásconez | A new methodology for pattern recognition applied to hand gestures recognition using EMG. Analysis of intrapersonal and interpersonal variability. |
17 | Guillermo Rodríguez Lopez, Hover Torres Gutama, Marlon Fajardo Vélez and Jonathan Medina Muñoz | Covid-19 in Ecuador: Radiography of hospital distribution using data science. |
31 | Ricardo Muriel, Noel Pérez, Diego Benitez, Daniel Riofrio, Giovanni Ramon, Emilia Peñaherrera and Diego Cisneros-Heredia | BeetleID: An Android Solution to Detect Ladybird Beetles. |
32 | Daniel Aguilar, Daniel Riofrio, Diego Benitez, Noel Pérez and Ricardo Flores | Text-based CAPTCHA Vulnerability Assessment using a Deep Learning-based Solver. |
33 | Mike Pinta, Pablo Medina-Pérez, Daniel Riofrio, Noel Pérez, Diego Benitez and Ricardo Flores | Automatic Manifesto Comparison using NLP Techniques and The Manifesto Project Domains – Case Study: 2021 Ecuadorian Presidential Elections. |
Social issues and professional practice | ||
Wednesday October 13th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chairs: Mara Falconí | ||
57 | Jorge Buzzio-Garcia, Victor Salazar-Vilchez, Jhonatan Moreno-Torres and Omar Leon-Estofanero | Review of Cybersecurity in LatinAmerica during the Covid-19 Pandemic. A brief Overview. |
74 | Oscar M. Cumbicus-Pineda, Tania Abad-Eras and Lisset A. Neyra-Romero | Data mining to determine the causes of gender-based violence against women in Ecuador. |
116 | Ronny Cabrera, Andrea Carrión and Andy Cabrera | Using the engineering design process to increase interest in STEM areas: Case study of a video game creation camp. |
Thursday October 14th
Jueves 14 de octubre 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Priscila Cedillo. | ||
18 | Milton Campoverde-Molina, Sergio Luján-Mora and Llorenç Valverde | Evaluation of the accessibility of the home pages of the web portals of Ecuadorian higher education institutions ranked in Webometrics. |
45 | Alexandre de Jesus Aragão, Dionisio Carvalho and Wilhelmus Van Noije | A firmware platform for breast cancer microwave imaging. |
88 | Daniel Peralta, María Caridad Cáceres and Villie Morocho | Digital Identity Proposal for Unified Medical Record using Blockchain technology. |
111 | Christian Rolando Coronel Balderramo and Segundo Leopoldo Pauta Ayabaca | Prototype of a Conversational Agent for the Catholic University of Cuenca. |
112 | Jonathan Zea, Marco Benalcázar, Lorena Barona and Leonardo Valdivieso | An Open-Source Data Acquisition and Manual Segmentation System for Hand Gesture Recognition based on EMG. |
Jueves 14 de octubre 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Leonel Vásquez | ||
4 | Suraj Shinde | Heart Disease Detection with Deep Learning using a combination of multiple input sources. |
67 | Kevin Mosquera, Marco Amaya, Luis Calle, Julio Zambrano and Marco Carpio | Topology Optimization and Control Design of an Artificial Respirator. |
83 | Emilia Meza, Maria Trujillo and Andrés Rosales | Recognizing Lower Limb Pathology Thought An EMG Classification Model. |
84 | Richard A. Vergaray, Roger F. Del Aguila, Gladys A. Avellaneda, Ricardo Palomares, José Cornejo and Jorge A. Cornejo-Aguilar | Mechatronic System Design and Development of iROD: EMG Controlled Bionic Prosthesis for Middle-Third Forearm Amputee. |
Viernes 16 de octubre 8.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chair: David Rivas | ||
86 | Christian Mauricio Ushiña-Vela, Cosme Damián Mejía-Echeverría, Victor Alfonso Erazo-Arteaga and Diego Luis Ortiz-Morales | Determination of the service life of 3D printed COVID-19 personal protective devices. |
107 | Erika Severeyn, Alexandra La Cruz and Mónica Huerta | Classification of Impaired Waist to Height Ratio and Waist to Hip Ratio Using Support Vector Machine. |
110 | Geovanny Satama-Bermeo, Karol Quilachamin, Alvaro Torres, Malena Loza and Alberto Sanchez | Simulation and Comparison of Glucose-insulinModels for Type 1 Diabetes Virtual Patient. |
Jueves 14 de octubre 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Ramiro Taco | ||
19 | Daniel Cardenas, Diego Benitez, Mario Ruiz, Wilson Enriquez, Paola Nazate, Cristina Ramos, Christian Espín and Verónica Soria | On the Monitoring of the Electromagnetic Fields Accompanying the Seismic and Volcanic Activity of the Chiles Volcano: Preliminary Results. |
68 | Duarte Oliveira, Nicolly Cardoso and Gracieth Batista | A Novel Stretchable Clock Based Communication Port Controller for GALS Pipeline Systems. |
70 | Duarte Oliveira, Nicolly Cardoso and Gracieth Batista | A New Method for Synthesis of Self-Timed Combinational Circuits with Strong Indication. |
81 | Juan Hernández, Johanna Nandar, David Changoluisa, Patricio Cruz and Esteban Valencia | Test-bench Development for the Efficiency Analysis of UAV Motor-Propeller Sets. |
91 | Juan-José Jiménez, André Borja, Laetitia Silly, Luis-Miguel Prócel, Lionel Trojman and Ramiro Taco | Implementation of 32nm MD5 Crypto-Processor using Different Topographical Synthesis Techniques and Comparison with 500nm Node. |
94 | Kevin Vicuña, Cristhopher Mosquera, Mateo Rendón, Ariana Musello, Marco Lanuzza, Luis Miguel Prócel, Ramiro Taco and Lionel Trojman | A 180 nm Low-Cost Operational Amplifier for IoT applications. |
106 | Mateo Rendón, Christian Cao, Kevin Landázuri, Luis Miguel Prócel, Lionel Trojman and Ramiro Taco | Assessment of 10 nm Tunnel-FETs and FinFETs transistors for ultra-low voltage and high-speed digital circuits. |
Jueves 14 de octubre 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Edwuin Carrasquero Rodríguez. | ||
58 | Alexis Javier Carrion Silva, Angie Melanie Reyes Calderon and Laberiano Andrade-Arenas | Prototype of an augmented reality application to improve the learning process at a university in northern Lima |
59 | José Antonio Carrillo Zenteno and Johanna Rosalí Reyes Reinoso | Access to technology services in South America in times of COVID-19. |
61 | Sebastián Cedillo, Esteban Sanchez Cordero, Katherine Narea, Luis Timbe, Esteban Samaniego and Andres Alvarado | Differences between effective and physical roughness parameter- A headwater mountain river experiment. |
95 | Daniel Gómez, Alexandra Bermeo, Daniela Prado and Priscila Cedillo | Microlearning method to building learning capsules for older adults: A case study for COVID-19 prevention at home. |
98 | Juan Sebastian Peñaloza Marin, José Julio Freire Cabrera, Nathaly Verónica Orozco Garzón and Henry Ramiro Carvajal Mora | Virtual learning environments based on Beacons devices. |
Systems and Control | ||
16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Mariela Cerrada | ||
22 | Cristian Amaguaña and Oscar Camacho | Sliding Mode Control for a Conical Tank: Empirical vs. Coordinate Transformation Linearization Comparison. |
114 | Jose Pereira, María Fernanda Mora and Wilton Agila | Qualitative model to maximize shrimp growth at low cost. |
125 | Luis Angel Bucheli Carpio and Aristides Reyes Bacardi | Modeling and analysis by Viscous Fluid Heating Process Identification in a Plate Heat Exchanger. |
Jueves 14 de octubre 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Ivan Escandon. | ||
79 | Renato Ortega, Mariela Cerrada, Diego Cabrera and René-Vinicio Sánchez | A Method for the Estimation of the Constant Load Torque by using the steady-state electrical torque signal. |
Communications | ||
16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Soraya Sinche | ||
78 | Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez, Juan Ramos-Estela and William-Rogelio Marchand-Niño | Comparison for the Hardware Defined Networks vs the Software Defined Networks Environments for IPv6 When Applied to the Backbone of the Advanced Network REUNA. |
82 | Evelyn Pérez, Verónica Soria, Lenin Aucatoma and Germán Arévalo | Performance and complexity analysis of SIC and OSIC detectors for massive MIMO systems. |
113 | Javier Caceres and Diego Avila | Cybersecurity study in 5G network Slicing Technology: A systematic mapping review. |
Friday October 15th
Engineering in Medicine and Biology | ||
8.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chairs: David Rivas | ||
86 | Christian Mauricio Ushiña-Vela, Cosme Damián Mejía-Echeverría, Victor Alfonso Erazo-Arteaga and Diego Luis Ortiz-Morales | Determination of the service life of 3D printed COVID-19 personal protective devices. |
107 | Erika Severeyn, Alexandra La Cruz and Mónica Huerta | Classification of Impaired Waist to Height Ratio and Waist to Hip Ratio Using Support Vector Machine. |
110 | Geovanny Satama-Bermeo, Karol Quilachamin, Alvaro Torres, Malena Loza and Alberto Sanchez | Simulation and Comparison of Glucose-insulinModels for Type 1 Diabetes Virtual Patient. |
Computational Intelligence | ||
08.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chairs: Patricia Acosta Vargas y Benjamin Baran. | ||
38 | Ricardo Llugsi, Samira El Yacoubi, Allyx Fontaine and Pablo Lupera | Comparison between Adam, AdaMax and AdamW optimizers to implement a Weather Forecast based on Neural Networks for the Andean city of Quito |
60 | Franklin Parrales Bravo, Joel Torres Urresto, Dayannara Ávila Maldonado and Julio Barzola Monteses | Relevant and non-redundant feature subset selection applied to the detection of malware in a network. |
102 | Marco Benalcázar and Kelvin Ortiz Chicaiza | A Brain-Computer Interface for Controlling IoT Devices using EEG Signals. |
108 | Bryan Chimbo, Paola Ingavelez and Salvador Otón | Accessibility metadata: A proposal for the OER´s evaluation considering quality. |
109 | Mario Peña, Mariela Cerrada and Laura Lanzarini | Data-driven gearbox fault severity diagnosis based on concept drift. |
Power and Energy | ||
08.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chairs: Santiago Chama | ||
35 | Ernesto Jaramillo, José Raúl Castro, Tuesman Castillo and Ruth Reátegui | Data Mining in Electrical Distribution Networks: Optimal Location of Pilot Bus. |
39 | Cristián Marcelo Muñoz, Luis Manriquez and Felipe Vásquez | Balancing Ancillary Services: The Chilean auctions. |
42 | Cristián Marcelo Muñoz, Luis Manriquez and Felipe Vásquez | Inflexible LNG and its Impact on the Chilean Electricity power system. |
56 | Jose Aller, Jose Restrepo and Julio Viola | Voltage Behind Reactance Model of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator using Space Vectors. |
89 | Elmer Sorrentino, Carlos Ferreiro and Eduardo Cabeza | Useful Details about Testing Protective Relays with Signals that Include Effects of Travelling Waves. |
90 | Luis A. Paredes, Marcelo G. Molina, Marcelo Pozo and Benjamín R. Serrano | Improvement of Dynamic Voltage Stability in a Resilient Microgrid based on Smart Inverters & SVC. |