No. | Tutor | Tutorial | Date and Time | Duration | Lab |
1 | Ricardo Marcelín-Jiménez | Introducción a la simulación de algoritmos distribuidos | Tuesday October 11th, 8:00 a 12:00 | 4 hours | Laboratorio 4 / FIEE-CEC EPN |
2 | Luis Ismael Minchala | Diseño e implementación de controladores digitales | Tuesday October 11th: 8:00 – 12:00, & 13:00 – 17:00 | 8 hours | Laboratorio 1 / FIEE-CEC EPN |
3 | Germán Israel Casillas Peña | Análisis y automatización de redes de distribución inteligentes, integrando sistemas fotovoltaicos, eólicos y de almacenamiento | Tuesday October 11th: 8:00 – 12:00 | 4 hours | Laboratorio 2 / FIEE-CEC EPN |
4 | Carlos Daniel Altamirano Carrillo | Introducción a RDS con apoyo práctico ComSoc | Tuesday October 11th: 14:00 – 18:00 | 4 hours | Laboratorio 2 / FIEE-CEC EPN |
5 | Marco Enrique Benalcázar Palacios | Aplicaciones Prácticas de Inteligencia Artificial | Tuesday October 11th: 14:00 – 18:00 | 4 hours | Laboratorio 4 / FIEE-CEC EPN |
6 | Luis Kelman Belloso Huezo | IoT FastTrack WiFi | Tuesday October 11th: 8:00 – 12:00 & 13:00 – 17:00 | 8 hours | Laboratorio 5 / FIEE-CEC EPN |
7 | Vicente Mut | Teleoperación de robots. Aspectos teóricos y de control | Tuesday October 11th: 8:00 – 10:00 | 2 hours | Laboratorio 3 / FIEE-CEC EPN |
Cir., Sys. & Elect. Devices (S1)-4 | ||
14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Marco Guevara | ||
3 | Duarte Oliveira, Gabriel Duarte and Gracieth Batista | Synthesis of Synchronous Finite State Machines Operating on Both-Levels of the Clock Using Transparent Latches |
14 | Lesly Ruiz Chauca, Gabriel Inca YajamÍn, Rodrigo Bautista Zurita and Esteban Arévalo Rodríguez | Simulation of a Boeing 737-500 Aircraft Electrical System |
28 | Duarte Oliveira, Gracieth Batista and Gabriel Duarte | Flexibility of the Extended Burst-Mode Specification for Synthesis of Speed-Independent Circuits |
43 | Duarte Oliveira, Nicolly Cardoso and Gracieth Batista | Synthesis of QDI Combinational Circuits Implemented on Optimized Model |
Communications (S1)-6 | ||
14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Boris Ramos | ||
13 | Andres Fuertes-Ruiz, Isaac Sanmartín, Christian Criollo and René Játiva | Machine Learning and Radio Planning in the Design and Optimization of wireless networks |
38 | Hugo Esteban Andrade Carrera, Soraya Lucía Sinche Maita and Pablo Wilian Hidalgo Lascano | Real-Time Access Control System Based on Temperature Detection and the Correct Use of Face Masks |
42 | Dionisio Carvalho, Alexandre de Jesus Aragão and Wilhelmus Van Noije | Synthetic Pulse based on SFCW Modulation: a Proposition for Microwave Imaging |
57 | Gustavo Salazar and Luis Marrone | Open Networking for Modern Data Centers Infrastructures: VXLAN Proof-of-Concept Emulation using LNV and EVPN under Cumulus Linux |
65 | Jorge Arellano, Carlos Daniel Altamirano and Henry Ramiro Carvajal Mora | On the Interference Reduction Factor in Massive MIMO System over Rician Fading Channels |
97 | Ivan Pesantez, Veronica Vicuna, Juan Inga and Andres Ortega | A Heuristic Algorithm for Resource Allocation in D2D Communications Under Cellular Networks |
Computer Intelligence (S1)-4 | ||
14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Mariela Cerrada | ||
7 | Daniel Benalcazar, David Benalcazar and Andres Valenzuela | Artificial Pupil Dilation for Data Augmentation in Iris Semantic Segmentation |
17 | Roberto Proaño | Optimization of the Attack Angle of the Alabe Injector of a Michell Banki Turbine in Python with Gekko Package |
56 | L Calle-Sarmiento, Juan Pablo Bermeo, Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez and Germania Vayas | Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms applied to the Maintenance Process in an ATM Network’ |
60 | Laura Fernanda Calle-Arango, Alexandra La Cruz, Marianella Santiago and Andreína Pérez | Big Data techniques applied to stakeholder data for ONG foundations |
Computer Eng (S1)-1 | ||
14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Mariela Cerrada | ||
59 | Ana María Zambrano, Sebastián Corrales, Carla Parra, Felipe Grijalva and Jose Adrián Zambrano | A prototype software for grading management aimed at visually impaired teachers |
Education in Eng. (S1)-5 | ||
16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chairs: Juan Pablo Bermeo | ||
23 | Paul Cárdenas-Delgado, Cristina Sanchez-Zhunio, Wilson Valdez, Priscila Cedillo, Eva Peña and Lourdes Illescas | Towards a Method to Create Microlearning Capsules: Bullying and Cyberbullying Domain |
24 | Diana Martinez-Mosquera, Verónica Beltrán, Diego Riofrío-Luzcando and Joe Carrión-Jumbo | Data Lake Management for Educational Analysis |
39 | Diego Avila-Pesantez, Domenica Falconi, L Miriam Avila and Nelly Padilla | Toward an improvement in preschool learning with an integrated Virtual Reality application: A preliminary study |
Smart Mobility (S1)-3 | ||
16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chairs: Soraya Sinche | ||
29 | Villie Morocho, Rosario Achig, Felipe Mendieta and Juan Bustamante | Virtual Assistants to bring geospatial information closer to a smart citizen |
68 | Julio Proaño, Israel Pineda and Rolando Armas | Distributed Architecture for Large Scale Simulation to Estimate CO Vehicles Emissions |
91 | Diana Estefanía Chérrez Barragán, Byron Alejandro Acuña Acurio, Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva, Juan Carlos Rodriguez and Felipe Leonel Grijalva Arevalo | An Energy Management System for a Residential Microgrid using Convex Optimization |
Power and Energy (S1)-4 | ||
16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chairs: Hugo Arcos | ||
4 | Paúl Tafur-Escanta, Eduardo Gutiérrez-Gualotuña, Ángelo Villavicencio-Poveda, Lizbeth Barrera-Cifuentes and Javier Muñoz-Antón | Study of the Integration of Additives in CO2 in s-CO2 Brayton Cycles Configurations as a Working Fluid |
5 | Julio Gaybor, Leony Ortiz, Alexander Aguila, Wilson Pavon and Milton Ruiz | An Hybrid Algorithm based NARX for Non-Linear Identification and modeling of an AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid simulation |
6 | Alex Villamarín, Andrés Velásquez and Miguel Saltos | Resilient Transmission Planning of the Ecuadorian Power System Against Earthquakes |
9 | Stanislao Pinzón-Masache and Carlos Barrera-Singaña | Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling Considering Coupled Hydropower Plants in Small-Scale Power Systems Using Dijkstra Method |
PES (S2) -5 | ||
14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Hugo Arcos | ||
12 | Pablo Criollo, Leony Ortiz, Alexander Aguila and Wilson Pavón | A method based on a sliding mode observer for fault detection in photovoltaic solar systems connected to AC microgrids |
31 | Diego Jiménez, Roberto Salazar, Ángel Jaya, Diego Lagla and Christian Chasi | An Optimization Model Assessment for the Economic Dispatch of Isolated Microgrids |
34 | Miguel Saltos-Rodrıguez, Andres Velasquez-Lozano, Diego Ortiz-Villalba and Alexandra Llumigusin-Cachipuz | Power Distribution System Outage Management by Natural Disasters with Optimizing of Resource and Restoration |
35 | Jose Aller and Daniel Naranjo | Optimal Direct Power Control (ODPC) Model using ATPDraw and MODELS |
54 | Jose Aller | Salient Pole Synchronous Machine Model using ATPDraw and MODELS including Damper Windings |
RAS(S1)-5 | ||
14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Danilo Chávez | ||
19 | Luis Arcos, Kleber Vicente, Patricio Cruz, Jackeline Abad and Ivan Zambrano | A ROS2 based Trajectory Tracking Controller of a 3UPS-1RPU Parallel Robot for Knee Rehabilitation |
44 | José Varela-Aldás | Optimal position control of a mobile manipulator for minimum energy |
51 | Robinson Barrazueta, José Raul Castro, Tuesman Castillo and Carlos Calderón | Analysis of the optimal performance of several industrial robots in demanding situations using Pareto |
74 | Alisson Moya, Silvana Gamboa and Ana Rodas | Development of an Industrial Communication Driver for Ethernet/IP Devices |
108 | Roberto Mejía, Gabriela M. Andaluz, Oscar Camacho, Silvana Gamboa and Luis Morales | Adaptive control for a heterogeneous formation of a multi-robot system |
Education in Eng. (S2)-2 | ||
14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chairs: David Rivas | ||
40 | Sebastian Insuasti, Jose Luis Paredes and Oscar Camacho | Controllers and Compensators Design for Undergraduate Control Students: Testing with TCLab Arduino kit |
71 | Ivan Silva, Andres Wong, Benito Auria, Dick Zambrano and Vanessa Echeverria | Gamification in Engineering Education: Exploring Students’ Performance, Motivation, and Engagement |
82 | Grace Montenegro Jativa, Martha Cecilia Paredes Paredes and Julio César Caiza Nacato | Design of a collaborative website to study 5G networks |
106 | Tatiana Rodriguez Ruiz | Characterization of enrollment in higher education in Ecuador |
Power and energy (S2) -5 | ||
16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Fabián Pérez | ||
69 | Miguel Mendieta, Luis Ismael Minchala and Oliver Probst | Minimization of energy storage requirements in wind farms by controlling the state of charge of a battery bank |
72 | Farid Izar, Miguel Mendieta and Luis Ismael Minchala | Design and evaluation of a multi-loop control strategy applied to an anti-lock braking system |
84 | Luis Lucero-Amay and Jesús Játiva-Ibarra | Modeling and Simulation of Speed Regulating System for Paute Molino Hydroelectric Power Plant and Commissioning Tests Contrasting |
100 | Jonathan A. Cabrera, Tuesman Castillo, Jorge Luis Jaramillo and José Raúl Castro | Estimation of Roof-mounted Solar Photovoltaic Potential Using a Multicriteria Methodology-A Case Study in an University Campus in Loja, Ecuador |
102 | Gerardo Collaguazo, Julio Guerra and Wilson Guatemal | Electric generation from hydraulic fluctuations using piezoelectric ceramics |
EMBS(S1)-4 | ||
16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Rosa Granizo | ||
15 | Antonio Tobar, Bryan López, María Fernanda Trujillo and Andrés Rosales | Machine Learning to Determine Upper Extremity Motion from Inertial Measurement Unit Signals |
49 | Leo Ramos and Israel Pineda | Lung Segmentation Pipeline for CT Images |
61 | Alfonso Andrade González, María Monserrat Morín Castillo, Alina Santillán Guzmán and Amparo Dora Palomino Merino | Threshold-based anxiety detection algorithm through ECG and GSR signals |
88 | Esther Parra-Mora and Luis A. Da Silva Cruz | Explainable Deep Learning-Based Epiretinal Membrane Classification – An Empirical Comparison of Seven Interpretation Methods |
Sys. & Control & Indust. Elec.(S1)-6 | ||
16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Ismael Minchala | ||
50 | Santiago Perez, Alessandro Bedoya, David Molina and Oscar Camacho | Fuzzy Smith Predictor vs Smith Predictor: An experimental evaluation for a thermal process with dead time |
73 | Steven Molina, Marco Santo, Jacqueline Llanos, Jorge Vega and Franklin Silva | Comparison of DC-Link Voltage Control Architectures on Grid-Side and Machine-Side for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Connected to the Grid |
85 | Mateo Vazquez, Joseline Yanascual, Marco Herrera and Oscar Camacho | Nonlinear-PID Sliding Surface Tuning Parameters based Sliding Mode Control for Chemical Processes |
86 | Miguel Vivert, Cristian Rodriguez, Isabel Quinde, Eliana Ormeño Mejia and Jhonny Barzola | Four-Cell Flyying Capacitor Multilevel Converter |
93 | Aracely Yandún and Leonardo Ortega | Design and Comparison by Simulation of PI and SMC Controllers Applied to a Three Phase Inverter Connected to the Grid |
111 | Sofía Intriago, Paola Robayo, Jacqueline Llanos, Juan Gómez and Franklin Silva | Comparison of control strategies for monitoring the maximum power point tracking of a photovoltaic plant |
Engineering in Medicine and Biology EMBS (S2) -4 | ||
8.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chairs: Rosa Granizo | ||
92 | Blida Montalico and Juan Carlos Herrera Miranda | Classification and Detection of Pneumonia in X-Ray Images Using Deep Learning Techniques |
98 | Alexandra La Cruz, Carlos Andres Diaz Santacruz, Erika Severeyn Varela and Leisson Polo | Breast Cancer Screening Using Deep Learning |
104 | Hernan Lara-Padilla, María Vallejo Bustamante, Cinthya P. Jiménez and Vinicio Chuqui Gavilanes | Digital design and fabrication of two-dimensional soft lattice structures with genotype patterns |
110 | Juan-Carlos Guaman, Giovanni Sagbay, Roger Clotet, Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez and Boris Barzallo | Biosignal Monitoring System for Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases: A WSN in a Suit |
Computer Intelligence (S2)-3 | ||
08.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chairs: Fernando Carrera | ||
66 | Ruben Medina, Rene Sanchez, Diego Cabrera, Luis-Renato Ortega and Mariela Cerrada-Lozada | Gearbox Broken Tooth Severity Classification using EMD of Acoustic Emission signals |
89 | Alex Cazañas-Gordon, Esther Parra-Mora and Luis Cruz | Distance-based Loss Weightings for Improving Retinal Tissue Segmentation using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks |
90 | Esther Parra-Mora, Alex Cazañas-Gordon and Luis A. Cruz | The Effect of Input Size in Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation |
Social Issues (S1)-3 | ||
8.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chair: Mónica Huerta | ||
2 | Jorge Cruz-Cárdenas, Javier Parra-Domínguez, Ekaterina Zabelina, Olga Deyneka and Carlos Ramos-Galarza | Organizational Culture and Digital Transformation: Mapping the Field |
21 | Ronny Cabrera and Andrea Carrión | Impact Assessment for STEM Camps. Case of Ecuador |
22 | Jhostin Cisneros, María Fernanda Trujillo Guerrero and Ana Verónica Rodas Benalcázar | Workforce training: An application trough an 3DVLE on Unreal Engine |
Wednesday October 12th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Ismael Minchala | ||
50 | Santiago Perez, Alessandro Bedoya, David Molina and Oscar Camacho | Fuzzy Smith Predictor vs Smith Predictor: An experimental evaluation for a thermal process with dead time |
73 | Steven Molina, Marco Santo, Jacqueline Llanos, Jorge Vega and Franklin Silva | Comparison of DC-Link Voltage Control Architectures on Grid-Side and Machine-Side for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Connected to the Grid |
85 | Mateo Vazquez, Joseline Yanascual, Marco Herrera and Oscar Camacho | Nonlinear-PID Sliding Surface Tuning Parameters based Sliding Mode Control for Chemical Processes |
86 | Miguel Vivert, Cristian Rodriguez, Isabel Quinde, Eliana Ormeño Mejia and Jhonny Barzola | Four-Cell Flyying Capacitor Multilevel Converter |
93 | Aracely Yandún and Leonardo Ortega | Design and Comparison by Simulation of PI and SMC Controllers Applied to a Three Phase Inverter Connected to the Grid |
111 | Sofía Intriago, Paola Robayo, Jacqueline Llanos, Juan Gómez and Franklin Silva | Comparison of control strategies for monitoring the maximum power point tracking of a photovoltaic plant |
Wednesday October 12th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chairs: Juan Pablo Bermeo | ||
23 | Paul Cárdenas-Delgado, Cristina Sanchez-Zhunio, Wilson Valdez, Priscila Cedillo, Eva Peña and Lourdes Illescas | Towards a Method to Create Microlearning Capsules: Bullying and Cyberbullying Domain |
24 | Diana Martinez-Mosquera, Verónica Beltrán, Diego Riofrío-Luzcando and Joe Carrión-Jumbo | Data Lake Management for Educational Analysis |
39 | Diego Avila-Pesantez, Domenica Falconi, L Miriam Avila and Nelly Padilla | Toward an improvement in preschool learning with an integrated Virtual Reality application: A preliminary study |
Thursday October 13th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chairs: Juan Pablo Bermeo | ||
40 | Sebastian Insuasti, Jose Luis Paredes and Oscar Camacho | Controllers and Compensators Design for Undergraduate Control Students: Testing with TCLab Arduino kit |
71 | Ivan Silva, Andres Wong, Benito Auria, Dick Zambrano and Vanessa Echeverria | Gamification in Engineering Education: Exploring Students’ Performance, Motivation, and Engagement |
82 | Grace Montenegro Jativa, Martha Cecilia Paredes Paredes and Julio César Caiza Nacato | Design of a collaborative website to study 5G networks |
106 | Tatiana Rodriguez Ruiz | Characterization of enrollment in higher education in Ecuador |
Wednesday October 12th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chairs: Hugo Arcos | ||
4 | Paúl Tafur-Escanta, Eduardo Gutiérrez-Gualotuña, Ángelo Villavicencio-Poveda, Lizbeth Barrera-Cifuentes and Javier Muñoz-Antón | Study of the Integration of Additives in CO2 in s-CO2 Brayton Cycles Configurations as a Working Fluid |
5 | Julio Gaybor, Leony Ortiz, Alexander Aguila, Wilson Pavon and Milton Ruiz | An Hybrid Algorithm based NARX for Non-Linear Identification and modeling of an AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid simulation |
6 | Alex Villamarín, Andrés Velásquez and Miguel Saltos | Resilient Transmission Planning of the Ecuadorian Power System Against Earthquakes |
9 | Stanislao Pinzón-Masache and Carlos Barrera-Singaña | Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling Considering Coupled Hydropower Plants in Small-Scale Power Systems Using Dijkstra Method |
Thursday October 13th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Hugo Arcos | ||
12 | Pablo Criollo, Leony Ortiz, Alexander Aguila and Wilson Pavón | A method based on a sliding mode observer for fault detection in photovoltaic solar systems connected to AC microgrids |
31 | Diego Jiménez, Roberto Salazar, Ángel Jaya, Diego Lagla and Christian Chasi | An Optimization Model Assessment for the Economic Dispatch of Isolated Microgrids |
34 | Miguel Saltos-Rodrıguez, Andres Velasquez-Lozano, Diego Ortiz-Villalba and Alexandra Llumigusin-Cachipuz | Power Distribution System Outage Management by Natural Disasters with Optimizing of Resource and Restoration |
35 | Jose Aller and Daniel Naranjo | Optimal Direct Power Control (ODPC) Model using ATPDraw and MODELS |
54 | Jose Aller | Salient Pole Synchronous Machine Model using ATPDraw and MODELS including Damper Windings |
Thursday October 13th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Fabián Pérez | ||
69 | Miguel Mendieta, Luis Ismael Minchala and Oliver Probst | Minimization of energy storage requirements in wind farms by controlling the state of charge of a battery bank |
72 | Farid Izar, Miguel Mendieta and Luis Ismael Minchala | Design and evaluation of a multi-loop control strategy applied to an anti-lock braking system |
84 | Luis Lucero-Amay and Jesús Játiva-Ibarra | Modeling and Simulation of Speed Regulating System for Paute Molino Hydroelectric Power Plant and Commissioning Tests Contrasting |
100 | Jonathan A. Cabrera, Tuesman Castillo, Jorge Luis Jaramillo and José Raúl Castro | Estimation of Roof-mounted Solar Photovoltaic Potential Using a Multicriteria Methodology-A Case Study in an University Campus in Loja, Ecuador |
102 | Gerardo Collaguazo, Julio Guerra and Wilson Guatemal | Electric generation from hydraulic fluctuations using piezoelectric ceramics |
Friday October 13th 8.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chair: Mónica Huerta | ||
2 | Jorge Cruz-Cárdenas, Javier Parra-Domínguez, Ekaterina Zabelina, Olga Deyneka and Carlos Ramos-Galarza | Organizational Culture and Digital Transformation: Mapping the Field |
21 | Ronny Cabrera and Andrea Carrión | Impact Assessment for STEM Camps. Case of Ecuador |
22 | Jhostin Cisneros, María Fernanda Trujillo Guerrero and Ana Verónica Rodas Benalcázar | Workforce training: An application trough an 3DVLE on Unreal Engine |
Wednesday October 12th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Marco Guevara | ||
3 | Duarte Oliveira, Gabriel Duarte and Gracieth Batista | Synthesis of Synchronous Finite State Machines Operating on Both-Levels of the Clock Using Transparent Latches |
14 | Lesly Ruiz Chauca, Gabriel Inca YajamÍn, Rodrigo Bautista Zurita and Esteban Arévalo Rodríguez | Simulation of a Boeing 737-500 Aircraft Electrical System |
28 | Duarte Oliveira, Gracieth Batista and Gabriel Duarte | Flexibility of the Extended Burst-Mode Specification for Synthesis of Speed-Independent Circuits |
43 | Duarte Oliveira, Nicolly Cardoso and Gracieth Batista | Synthesis of QDI Combinational Circuits Implemented on Optimized Model |
Wednesday October 12th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Boris Ramos | ||
13 | Andres Fuertes-Ruiz, Isaac Sanmartín, Christian Criollo and René Játiva | Machine Learning and Radio Planning in the Design and Optimization of wireless networks |
38 | Hugo Esteban Andrade Carrera, Soraya Lucía Sinche Maita and Pablo Wilian Hidalgo Lascano | Real-Time Access Control System Based on Temperature Detection and the Correct Use of Face Masks |
42 | Dionisio Carvalho, Alexandre de Jesus Aragão and Wilhelmus Van Noije | Synthetic Pulse based on SFCW Modulation: a Proposition for Microwave Imaging |
57 | Gustavo Salazar and Luis Marrone | Open Networking for Modern Data Centers Infrastructures: VXLAN Proof-of-Concept Emulation using LNV and EVPN under Cumulus Linux |
65 | Jorge Arellano, Carlos Daniel Altamirano and Henry Ramiro Carvajal Mora | On the Interference Reduction Factor in Massive MIMO System over Rician Fading Channels |
97 | Ivan Pesantez, Veronica Vicuna, Juan Inga and Andres Ortega | A Heuristic Algorithm for Resource Allocation in D2D Communications Under Cellular Networks |
Wednesday October 12th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Mariela Cerrada | ||
7 | Daniel Benalcazar, David Benalcazar and Andres Valenzuela | Artificial Pupil Dilation for Data Augmentation in Iris Semantic Segmentation |
17 | Roberto Proaño | Optimization of the Attack Angle of the Alabe Injector of a Michell Banki Turbine in Python with Gekko Package |
56 | L Calle-Sarmiento, Juan Pablo Bermeo, Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez and Germania Vayas | Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms applied to the Maintenance Process in an ATM Network’ |
60 | Laura Fernanda Calle-Arango, Alexandra La Cruz, Marianella Santiago and Andreína Pérez | Big Data techniques applied to stakeholder data for ONG foundations |
Friday October 14th 08.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chairs: Fernando Carrera | ||
66 | Ruben Medina, Rene Sanchez, Diego Cabrera, Luis-Renato Ortega and Mariela Cerrada-Lozada | Gearbox Broken Tooth Severity Classification using EMD of Acoustic Emission signals |
89 | Alex Cazañas-Gordon, Esther Parra-Mora and Luis Cruz | Distance-based Loss Weightings for Improving Retinal Tissue Segmentation using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks |
90 | Esther Parra-Mora, Alex Cazañas-Gordon and Luis A. Cruz | The Effect of Input Size in Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation |
Thursday October 13th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Dr. Danilo Chávez | ||
19 | Luis Arcos, Kleber Vicente, Patricio Cruz, Jackeline Abad and Ivan Zambrano | A ROS2 based Trajectory Tracking Controller of a 3UPS-1RPU Parallel Robot for Knee Rehabilitation |
44 | José Varela-Aldás | Optimal position control of a mobile manipulator for minimum energy |
51 | Robinson Barrazueta, José Raul Castro, Tuesman Castillo and Carlos Calderón | Analysis of the optimal performance of several industrial robots in demanding situations using Pareto |
74 | Alisson Moya, Silvana Gamboa and Ana Rodas | Development of an Industrial Communication Driver for Ethernet/IP Devices |
108 | Roberto Mejía, Gabriela M. Andaluz, Oscar Camacho, Silvana Gamboa and Luis Morales | Adaptive control for a heterogeneous formation of a multi-robot system |
Thursday October 14th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chair: Rosa Granizo | ||
15 | Antonio Tobar, Bryan López, María Fernanda Trujillo and Andrés Rosales | Machine Learning to Determine Upper Extremity Motion from Inertial Measurement Unit Signals |
49 | Leo Ramos and Israel Pineda | Lung Segmentation Pipeline for CT Images |
61 | Alfonso Andrade González, María Monserrat Morín Castillo, Alina Santillán Guzmán and Amparo Dora Palomino Merino | Threshold-based anxiety detection algorithm through ECG and GSR signals |
88 | Esther Parra-Mora and Luis A. Da Silva Cruz | Explainable Deep Learning-Based Epiretinal Membrane Classification – An Empirical Comparison of Seven Interpretation Methods |
Friday October 14th 08.00h – 10.00h | ||
Chairs: Rosa Granizo | ||
92 | Blida Montalico and Juan Carlos Herrera Miranda | Classification and Detection of Pneumonia in X-Ray Images Using Deep Learning Techniques |
98 | Alexandra La Cruz, Carlos Andres Diaz Santacruz, Erika Severeyn Varela and Leisson Polo | Breast Cancer Screening Using Deep Learning |
104 | Hernan Lara-Padilla, María Vallejo Bustamante, Cinthya P. Jiménez and Vinicio Chuqui Gavilanes | Digital design and fabrication of two-dimensional soft lattice structures with genotype patterns |
110 | Juan-Carlos Guaman, Giovanni Sagbay, Roger Clotet, Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez and Boris Barzallo | Biosignal Monitoring System for Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases: A WSN in a Suit |
Wednesday October 12th 14.00h – 16.00h | ||
Chair: Mariela Cerrada | ||
59 | Ana María Zambrano, Sebastián Corrales, Carla Parra, Felipe Grijalva and Jose Adrián Zambrano | A prototype software for grading management aimed at visually impaired teachers |
Wednesday October 12th 16.30h – 18.00h | ||
Chairs: Soraya Sinche | ||
29 | Villie Morocho, Rosario Achig, Felipe Mendieta and Juan Bustamante | Virtual Assistants to bring geospatial information closer to a smart citizen |
68 | Julio Proaño, Israel Pineda and Rolando Armas | Distributed Architecture for Large Scale Simulation to Estimate CO Vehicles Emissions |
91 | Diana Estefanía Chérrez Barragán, Byron Alejandro Acuña Acurio, Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva, Juan Carlos Rodriguez and Felipe Leonel Grijalva Arevalo | An Energy Management System for a Residential Microgrid using Convex Optimization |