Registration Information
Registration portal will open in March 2025.
Registration Fees*
Regular Registration
Until 4/10/25 $430
After 4/10/25 $455
IEEE Members/Northwestern University Faculty and Staff
Until 4/10/25 $355
After 4/10/25 $380
Until 4/10/25 $175
After 4/10/25 $200
IEEE Student Members/IEEE Life Members
Until 4/10/25 $150
After 4/10/25 $175
*Includes attendance at all ETHICS-2025 sessions: Friday reception; Saturday and Sunday breakfasts; Saturday and Sunday lunches; Saturday dinner; Refreshment breaks.
All ETHICS-2025 attendees must register. If a paper or poster abstract is accepted, at least one author must register for the conference; if more than one author presents a paper or poster, all of the presenters must be registered.