Call for Special Sessions

Proposals for Special Sessions are highly welcomed. All special sessions proposals should be submitted by completing the online form available here, carefully following the guidelines provided below.

Guidelines for Special Session Organizers

  • The special session proposal form captures the following information:
    • Special Session Lead Organizer email address, details and mini-bio.
    • Co-Organizer(s) details and mini-bio (optional)
    • Special Session Title
    • Aim and scope of the Special Session (~half a page)
    • A list of main topics of the special session
    • A list of potential/expected contributors
    • Request for Open Discussion Slot (optional, see below)
    • Open Discussion Slot outline (optional, see below)
  • Open Discussion Slots: Special session proposals may include a request for an Open Discussion Slot. An Open Discussion Slot usually takes the shape of a standard (20 minute) paper presentation slot where proposers lead an open discussion on the topic of the special session with attendees. Open Discussion Slots, if approved, are usually timetabled at the end of a special session to allow wider discussion around the special session topic in the context of the papers presented. Any special session proposals requesting an Open Discussion Slot should include a concise outline of the discussion expected, clarifying in particular who will lead the discussion and any further particulars such as expected dissemination and outcomes. Please note that final approval of Open Discussion Slots will not be available until the Notification of paper acceptance deadline of the conference.
  • Proposal Evaluation: Special session proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness, uniqueness of the topic and qualifications of the proposers. The proposers are expected to have a PhD degree and have a strong publication track record in the proposed area. A maximum of three proposers is expected for each special session and one lead proposer is required for each proposal. The lead proposer will act as the contact point for the special session and is expected to work with their co-proposers in the organisation of the special session. After review, a decision on whether the proposal will be provisionally accepted will be sent to the proposers within two weeks after receipt of the proposals. Provisionally accepted special sessions will be listed on the website. Please note that special session proposals which exhibit substantial overlap with already submitted or provisionally accepted proposals may be rejected and/or proposers may be asked to collaboratively integrate their proposals.
  • Submission of Papers to Special Sessions: Manuscripts submitted to special sessions should be submitted through the standard paper submission website of Fuzz-IEEE 2019, selecting the topic of the special session as primary topic. All papers submitted to special sessions will be subject to the same peer-review procedure as regular papers. The review of submissions of Special Session chairs and co-chairs to their own special session will be handled by the Conflict-of-Interest or Program Chairs. Note that special sessions with a very small number of accepted papers will either be merged with compatible special sessions or be cancelled and the accepted papers will be moved to regular sessions. All papers submitted to special sessions (if accepted and presented) will be published as part of the regular FUZZ-IEEE proceedings.

For questions regarding the special sessions, please contact the special organizers below, quoting “Fuzz-IEEE 2019 Special Sessions” in the title of your email.

Christian Wagner – Christian.wagner AT
Thomas Runkler – Thomas.runkler AT