Call for Papers
IEEE ICALT 2019 aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners working in industry and academia to provide them with a platform to report on the latest developments, achievements, deployments, technology trends, and research findings as well as initiatives related to Logistics & Transport and their applications.
Paper submissions: Papers must describe original work on any of the IEEE ICALT related topics.
The submission and reviews will be handled through the Easy Chair conference management system.
Manuscript length: 6 pages maximum. This is a strict limit for initial submission. During final submission of accepted papers, authors may purchase extra pages if they find it necessary to address the concerns of the reviewers.
Single blind reviewing: IEEEICALT follows a single-blind review process. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their papers as illustrated in the sample templates. Templates (Microsoft Word and LaTeX) can be found at the following link:
Ethical Requirements for Authors
The conference committee requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that:
- The paper is substantially original and that no paper substantially similar in content has been submitted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the ICALT 2019 review period.
- The paper does not contain any plagiarism, and
- The paper will be presented by the author or a co-author in person.