IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
11-13 August 2019 // Changchun, China

W05: ICCC 2019 Workshop on Connecting All Things for Enabling Smart Cities (CONTEST)

Scope and Topics of  the Workshop

As a key initiative for promoting the quality of living and resource efficient economy, the smart city concept has attracted much attention in both academia and industry. Information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly advanced communication techniques, play a critical role in facilitating intelligent collection and utilization of heterogeneous data from deployed equipment throughout cities. The major challenges in this area have included: low energy consumption requirement, limited radio frequency bandwidth, low-latency requirement and cost-effective requirement. To address these challenges, it is of vital importance to sustainably develop a set of new concepts and theories for improving the energy efficiency, the spectral efficiency and the network design, such as cognitive radio, NOMA, green communications, energy harvesting communications, machine-to-machine communications, and ultra-dense network technologies.

This workshop aims to facilitate this sustained effort and enhance international collaborations by disseminating cutting-edge research results. Participants will be able to share perspectives and newest research findings, and further identify collaboration opportunities in the emerging research areas of smart cities. Potential topics include but are not limited to:

  • Green Communications and Networks
  • Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics
  • Intelligent Transportation
  • Vehicular Communication Networks and Telematics
  • Positioning, Localization and Navigation
  • Green computing
  • NOMA
  • Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Management
  • Machine-to-machine communications
  • Heterogeneous Networks
  • Energy harvesting technologies and communications
  • Antennas design and propagation
  • Safety, security, and privacy for smart Cities
  • Internet of things platform and theory
  • Ultra-dense network
  • Interference management and alignment
  • Energy-efficiency
  • Wireless power and information transfer
  • Smart grid communications
  • Novel network architecture design
  • Wireless Networks and Security
  • Future Trends and Emerging Technologies
  • Resource-efficient cross-layer optimization
  • Cooperative communications.

Outstanding papers on smart grid technologies will be invited as invited papers to IET Smart Grid journal, by Editors-in-Chief Prof. H. Vincent Poor and Dr. Hongjian Sun (General Chair of this Workshop).

Submission Guideline

The submitted papers should be original, not published or currently under review for publications in any other journal or conference. All submission must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format and must be written in English and be at most six (6) printed papers in length, including figures. Papers should be submitted through EDAS System. EDAS submission link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25822&track=96925


Important Dates

Workshop paper submission deadline: 15 May 2019

Workshop paper decision date: 25 June 2019


Workshop Organizer

General Chair

Technical Programme Chair

Publicity Chair

Workshop Steering Committee