IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
11-13 August 2019 // Changchun, China

W08: ICCC 2019 Workshop on Internet of Things

Scope and Topics of the Workshop

Scope: The workshop aims to provide a forum for authors to present advanced and/or early research results on Internet of Things (IoT) that advance the state of the art and practice in Internet of Things (IoT), including theoretical principles, tools, applications, systems infrastructure, and test beds for Internet of Things (IoT).

Topics of interest include (but not limited to) the following:

  • Theoretical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems/Internet of Things
  • Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis Techniques
  • Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems/Internet of Things
  • Building Blocks for Cyber-Physical Systems/Internet of Things
  • Systems Abstractions, Services and OS Support
  • Evaluation Approaches and Metrics
  • Novel Cyber-Physical Systems/Internet of Things Applications
  • Detailed Case Studies
  • Security/Privacy of IoT/CPS
  • Industrial Internet of Things
Submission Guideline (You can leave the submission link, and we will fill the actual link in EDAS)

The workshop accepts only novel, previously unpublished papers. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a standard IEEE conference style paper (no more than 6 pages) to this workshop (including all text, figures, and references) through EDAS submission system (Submission Link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25822&track=96928).

Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop. The presenter must register for the workshop before the deadline for author registration. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the paper from the workshop proceedings and the program. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE ICCC 2019 Conference Proceedings and in IEEE Xplore®, and indexed by Engineering Index (EI).

Important Dates

Submission deadline: May 15, 2019

Acceptance Notification: June 25, 2019


Workshop Organizer

Houbing Song, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA (E-mail: h.song@ieee.org)

Feife Gao, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (e-mail: feifeigao@tsinghua.edu.cn)

Qinghe Du, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China (e-mail: duqinghe@mail.xjtu.edu.cn )