IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
11-13 August 2019 // Changchun, China

W15: ICCC 2019 Workshop on Integration of 5G and Non-Terrestrial Networks

Scope of the Workshop

In the last decade, we witnessed a rapid evolution in terrestrial mobile communication technologies. The next generation (5G) mobile system will be commercialized by 2020, which is expected to provide ultra-high data rate, ultra-low latency and high-reliability transmission, as well as accommodate massive connectivity. However, due to the geospatial restriction and the uneven development of different regions, in some areas (space, oceans, deserts, forests, glaciers, etc.), it is infeasible or too costly to deploy ground mobile networks for coverage. In these circumstances, non-terrestrial networks (NTN), such as satellites, high-altitude platforms (HAPs) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), can provide large-scale network coverage. Integration of 5G and NTN can complement and enhance the service coverage in a cost-effective manner, helping achieve global and seamless access for the space, air and ground users, anywhere and anytime. Moreover, various services/use cases can be enabled in different sectors, including smart transportation, smart agriculture, environment monitoring, disaster rescue, and so on.

Integration of 5G and NTN has to deal with many challenges. Firstly, efficient inter-operation needs to be enabled so that various systems can complement with each other. In addition, heterogeneous resources should be flexibly and efficiently managed, which jointly affect the perceived performance of users. Moreover, it should support various services with distinct quality of service (QoS) requirements in terms of latency, data rate, reliability, and so on. Last but not least, both the service demands and network exhibit spatial and temporal dynamics and hence the integrated system should be adaptive. To promote the harvest the benefits of integration of 5G and NTN by addressing the aforementioned issues, this workshop can serve as a forum for researchers from academia and industries, to exchange ideas, present new results, and provide future vision on these topics.


Topics of interest (include, but are not limited to)

  • System architecture of integration of 5G & NTN
  • Physical layer coding and modulation for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Localization and navigation for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Sensing, information fusion and intelligent control for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Optical communication for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Dynamic multiple access protocol for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Capacity analysis for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Network protocol for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Resource allocation for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Distributed communication, caching and computing for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence for integration of 5G & NTN
  • Security and privacy issue
  • Testbed and simulation platforms of 5G & NTN


Submission Guideline

The submitted papers should be original, not published or currently under review for publications in any other journal or conference. All submission must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format and must be written in English and be at most six (6) printed papers in length, including figures. Papers should be submitted through EDAS System.

EDAS submission link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25822&track=96937


Important Dates
  • Paper submission deadline:15 May 2019
  • Notification of acceptance: 25 June 2019
Workshop Organizer

Tingting Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), Shenzhen, China (email: zhangtt@hit.edu.cn)

Ye Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), Shenzhen, China (email: wangye83@hit.edu.cn)

Ning Zhang, Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi, TX, USA (email: ning.zhang@tamucc.edu)

Kanglian Zhao, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China (mail: zhaokanglian@nju.edu.cn)

Guanjun Xu, East China Normal University, China (email: guanjunxu@hotmail.com)