IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
11-13 August 2019 // Changchun, China

W16: ICCC 2019 Workshop on Ambient Backscatter Communications for Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient IoT Networks

Scope and Topics of the Workshop

Internet of Things (IoT) which is revolutionizing the industry and our lives, is a key application paradigm for the forthcoming fifth-generation (5G) and future wireless communication systems. IoT devices in practice have strict limitations on energy, cost, and complexity, thus it is highly desirable to design energy- and spectrum-efficient communication technologies. Ambient backscatter communication (AmBC) has recently emerged as a promising technology to fulfill such demand. On the one hand, AmBC enables IoT backscatter devices (BDs) to modulate their information symbols over ambient radio-frequency (RF) carriers (e.g., TV, WiFi, or cellular signals) without using costly and power-hungry RF transmitter. The energy consumption for passive transmission via backscattering is two-to-three orders of magnitude lower than conventional active transmission via radiation. On the other hand, AmBC does not need dedicated radio spectrum which is scarce and expensive, due to the spectrum sharing between the backscatter transmission and the ambient transmission.


However, in order to support high-rate transmission and wide area coverage for IoT devices, AmBC needs to address many technical challenge. For instance, the direct-link signal from the RF source brings several co-channel interference for the backscatter receiver detecting the signals from BD(s), and the ambient RF source may be unstable. This workshop will focus on theoretical and practical design issues for AmBC, including information-theoretic analysis, efficient transceiver design, resource allocation, multiple access, etc. We aim to bring together researchers, engineers, and individuals working on the related areas to share their new ideas, latest findings, and state-of-the-art results. Topics of interest in this workshop include but not limited to the following:

  • Statistical characteristics and modelling for backscatter channels
  • Information theory for AmBC
  • Waveform design, high-order modulation and coding for BDs
  • AmBC receiver design with direct-link interference cancellation/suppression
  • AmBC based on multiple-antenna technologies including massive MIMO
  • AmBC over OFDM signals
  • AmBC over millimeter wave communication signals
  • Cooperative technologies for AmBC
  • Spectrum sharing and cognitive radio technologies for AmBC
  • Wireless power transfer in AmBC systems
  • Resource allocation for AmBC systems
  • Multiple access technologies for AmBC networks
  • Machine learning for AmBC
  • Management of heterogeneity of ambient signals
  • Security and jamming issues for AmBC
  • Field measurement and prototype results for AmBC systems
  • AmBC or backscatter communication meet full-duplex, NOMA, UAV, D2D, …
  • New architecture and communication protocols for AmBC


Submission Guideline

The submitted papers should be original, not published or current under review for publications in any other journal or conference. All submission must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format and must be written in English and be at most six (6) printed papers in length, including figures. Papers should be submitted through EDAS System through link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25822&track=97263


Important Dates

Paper Submission: 15 May 2019

Acceptance Notification: 25 June 2019


Workshop organizers

Gang Yang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China (email: yanggang@uestc.edu.cn)

Dusit Niyato, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, (email: dniyato@ntu.edu.sg)

Caijun Zhong, Zhejiang University, China (email: caijunzhong@zju.edu.cn)

Gongpu Wang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China (email: gpwang@bjtu.edu.cn)