Jie Wu, Temple University

Jie Wu is Laura H. Carnell Professor at Temple University and the Director of the Center for Networked Computing (CNC). He served as Chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences from the summer of 2009 to the summer of 2016 and Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs from the fall of 2015 to the summer of 2017. Prior to joining Temple University, he was a program director at the National Science Foundation and was a distinguished professor at Florida Atlantic University, where he received his Ph.D. in 1989. His current research interests include mobile computing and wireless networks, routing protocols, network trust and security, distributed algorithms, applied machine learning, and cloud computing. Dr. Wu regularly published in scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and books. He serves on several editorial boards, including IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and Journal of Computer Science and Technology. Dr. Wu is/was general chair/co-chair for IEEE DCOSS’09, IEEE ICDCS’13, ICPP’16, IEEE CNS’16, WiOpt’21, ICDCN’22, IEEE IPDPS’23, ACM MobiHoc’23, and IEEE CCGrid 2024 as well as program chair/cochair for IEEE MASS’04, IEEE INFOCOM’11, CCF CNCC’13, and ICCCN’20. He was an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor, ACM Distinguished Speaker, and chair for the IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP). Dr. Wu is a Fellow of the AAAS and a Fellow of the IEEE. He is the recipient of the 2011 China Computer Federation (CCF) Overseas Outstanding Achievement Award. He is a Member of the Academia Europaea (MAE).

Scalability and Liquidation Enhancement in QoS Lightning Networks

Abstract: The lightning network (LN) is a special network in Bitcoin that uses offchain micropayment channels to scale the blockchain’s capability to perform instant transactions without a global block confirmation process. However, micropayment scalability in a large LN and liquidation for small nodes still remain major challenges for the LN. In this paper, we introduce the notion of supernodes and the corresponding supernodes-based pooling to address these challenges. In order to meet the high adaptivity and low maintenance cost in the dynamic LN where users join and leave, supernodes are constructed locally without any global information or label propagation. Each supernode, together with a subset of (non-supernodes) neighbors, forms a supernode-based pool. These pools constitute a partition of the LN. Additionally, supernodes are self-connected. Micropayment scalability is supported through node set reduction as only supernodes are involved in searching and in payment with other supernodes. Liquidation is enhanced through pooling to redistribute funds within a pool to external channels of its supernode. Simulations have been conducted to validate the improvement in routing scalability and liquidation of the proposed architecture under different settings.

Paper Submission

July 7th 2024

July 15th 2024

Author Notification

August 15th 2024


September 1st 2024

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