Paper Submission
Paper Submission Guideline
All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference submission website (Microsoft CMT) in word or PDF format at: The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages with overlength charge) including figures and references using the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, font size 10). Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be found at
We use single-blind policy. Authors can involve their name and affiliations in the papers.
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI) and IEEE Xplore. At least one of the authors of any accepted paper must register and present the paper. Best Paper Awards will be presented at the conference. High quality papers will be nominated to publish at various journal special issues.
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