
Program Book

Dive into the heart of iDEAS 2025 with our comprehensive program book, designed to enhance your conference experience. Inside, you’ll find detailed schedules of activities, presentation timelines, and additional programs, alongside valuable insights about the enchanting island of Bali. Whether you’re a participant or a speaker, this guide is your gateway to navigating the event smoothly and making the most of your time at the conference. Download your copy now to start planning your iDEAS 2025 journey! 

Program Schedule

Day 1 : Tuesday, January 7th 2025

Day 2 : Wednesday, January 8th 2025

Day 3 : Thursday, January 9th 2025

Keynote Speakers

Mochamad Soleh

PLN Puslitbang (Research Institute)

Andhika Prastawa

METI (Indonesian Renewable Energy Society)

Fajar Sastrowijoyo

Syntek Otomasi Indonesia

Thomas Reindl

Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS)

Nick Singh


Vivien Barnier

EnAccess Open Source as an Enabler of Energy Access

Paper Presentation Schedule

Please download your paper presentation schedule here.


Technology Track – Topic

  1. DC nano- and micro-grids
  2. Direct PV solar to appliances
  3. Battery energy storage systems
  4. Multi-value appliances with integrated PV
  5. Grid-forming solutions for multi-inverter grids
  6. Integrating PV solar, thermal and storage
  7. Scalable grid using plug-n-play DER resources
  8. Black start and switching of IBR rich grids, including grid-transformer transients
  9. Stability of decentralized microgrids under unbalance, harmonic and fault conditions
  10. Clean cooking, cooling, transportation and other high-power solutions for energy access
  11. Bottom-up grid w/o comms or central control
  12. Pumping, graining, milling and other productive use solutions
  13. Collaborative control of autonomous multi-vendor grid-connected inverters
  14. Energy access solutions for high-latitude communities
  15. Infinitely scalable IBR rich grids
  16. Communications, sensing, IoT and other enabling technologies for energy access
  17. Autonomous ad hoc fractal microgrids that operate with generation surplus or shortage
  18. Electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility
  19. Power quality issues

Impact Track – Topic

  1. Policies for accelerating deployment of new energy access solutions
  2. Technology adoption and co-creation challenges in energy access
  3. Scalable business models for last-mile
  4. Centralized vs decentralized energy systems
  5. Viable business cases for productive energy use
  6. Ensuring interoperability across vendors and fast-moving technology generations
  7. Energy justice and Leave No One Behind solutions
  8. Operation and maintenance of energy access solutions
  9. Gender and energy nexus
  10. Integrated pay-go and commerce platforms for secure scalable energy systems
  11. Solutions enabling consumer financing and affordability
  12. Energy resilience solutions


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