Diamond Panel Session

Decarbonizing the energy sector: paradigm change, perspectives, and challenges for grid operators and solutions providers

Monday 23 October 2023 – 11h-12h30 – Auditorium

Energy sector in general and power systems in particular are considered as critical infrastructures for our modern societies. However, these infrastructures are expected to play an even critical role in the perspective of decarbonization for reaching the Carbon Neutrality by 2050 or even earlier. Indeed, the energy consumption in various economy sectors such as industry, buildings and transportation, is one of the main contributors for Green House Gas Emissions. As such, decarbonizing the energy sector is a major step for fulfilling Carbon Neutrality targets. Hence, intensifying electrification of consumptions while shifting usages from fossil-based energy to electrical-based energy is one of the most efficient levers for decarbonizing the energy sector. This can be illustrated in transportation with plug-in Electric Vehicles, in Building where the combination of electrification, energy efficiency and renewable energy supply will offset almost to zero their CO2 emissions, and in the industry through process shifting.
In this perspective, reaching Carbon neutrality targets will require the electricity share in the final energy consumption to jump from 20-25% today to approximatively 50-60% by 2050. On the other hand, the necessity of interconnecting to the power grid massive renewable energy sources that are mostly “variable” in nature is significantly transforming the way these systems are designed, planned and operated while maintaining their resiliency. In addition, digitalization with smarter grids is more and more increasing at various levels of the energy chain, which represents at the same time an opportunity and a threat for power grids. Given the short period of transition for this complex energy sector, this move is a considerable challenge for the power system that should be adapted quickly through massive investments, more intelligence and flexibility.
In this panel, these challenges will be discussed with some insights on foreseen technical solutions to tackle these challenges seen both from DSO/TSO perspective and solutions provider. Related issues such as economical considerations, skill development, and innovation strategy will be addressed as well.

Moderated by: Nouredine Hadjsaid, VP IEEE PES, Director G2Elab


  1. Gabriel Bareux, RTE, Director R&D
  2. Nicolas Raynaud (Innovation Europe Vice President, Schneider Electric)
  3. Pierre Mallet, ENEDIS, Director R&D and innovation