Gabriel BAREUX
Gabriel received an Engineering degree from the Polytechnic University of Grenoble in 1996 and from the Imperial College in 1997. After some years working for the telecommunications industry within ALCATEL, Gabriel joined the R&D of EDF (French utility company) in 2001 and moved to the R&D department of RTE (the French Transmission System Operator) in 2003 working on different topic from long term planning, market coupling, system operations and operational planning with a strong focus on European R&D projects and European coordination. From 2014 to 2017 he leaded a team of 80 researchers performing advanced studies and developing methods and tools for the French TSO and European Regional Coordination Centers. From 2017 to end of 2019 he was deputy director of the IT division of RTE with a particular focus on applications for System Operation, Asset Management, virtualisation of the digital substations or artificial intelligence. Gabriel has been deeply involved in a collaboration with the Linux Foundation which gave birth in 2019 to a new Open-Source foundation for the energy sector called Linux Foundation Energy. Since December 2019 Gabriel is heading the R&D of RTE.
French Power System Outlook 2035 : deep electrification and its implications