Industry Panel Sessions

Global Perspectives on the Utility of the Future

Monday 23 October 2023 – 16h30-18h00 – Auditorium

The electric power industry is being transformed and reshaped with renewable, clean, and more resilient energy solutions. Robust decarbonization goals are being set along with more pressure to increase reliability and become more resilient. This is coupled with the challenges of an aging infrastructure and changing workforce.  Power utilities are at the center of this challenge; tasked with integrating record levels of new, renewable, energy assets while accommodating dramatically increased multidirectional power flows, and hardening the grid to prepare for increasingly severe weather events exacerbated by climate change. This panel is made up of international industry executives who will present and discuss ideas and initiatives driving Decarbonization, Grid Modernization, Electrification, and the Utility of the Future.

Moderated by:  Wayne Bishop Jr., IEEE PES Vice President, Meetings and Conferences


  1. Matthieu Terenti, Enedis Head of EV partners and co-construction department
  2. Michel Bena, RTE R&D Deputy Director
  3. Juan Carlos Montero, ICE – Utility CostaRica
  4. Chris Root, “Perspective from United States”

Advancing Energy Storage Solutions for Sustainable Development in Power Systems

Tuesday 24 October 2023 – 14h30-16h00 – Kilimandjaro 1-2

In the pursuit of a sustainable and decarbonized energy future, the role of energy storage has become paramount. The special session explores the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in the field of energy storage as a crucial enabler for sustainable development. This session stands at the nexus of technological innovation and environmental responsibility, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations that accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy landscape.

Moderated by:  Hélène Schricke, Worldgrid


  1. Hélène Schricke, Worldgrid, “Worldgrid EMS platform to optimize storage usage”
  2. Christophe Dufour, Sicae de la Somme et du Cambraisis, “Operational implementation of hybrid renewable generation and storage platform”
  3. Ahmed Mohamed, PhD, “OSS Platform: Operation Planning for a Grid-Connected Battery Simultaneously Participating in various Energy Markets”
  4. Jean Dobrowolski, EnergyPool, “Microgrid implementation in New Caledonia”
  5. Roman Le Goff Latimier, Assoc. Prof., SATIE – ENS Rennes, “towards real world co-optimization of a storage system”

ETIP SNET: H2 integration in power systems

Tuesday 24 October 2023 – 14h30-16h00 – Kilimandjaro 3-4

The EU is undergoing an energy transformation towards a climate-neutral continent by 2050. It has set targets to progressively reduce greenhouse gas emissions towards clean energy to reach this goal and deliver on the EU’s Paris Agreement commitments. These high-level climate targets will require structural changes in various sectors and impact society and the economy. Decarbonisation is reached mainly through electrifying various sectors (currently relying on fossil fuels) stemming from variable Renewable Energy Sources (vRES) and low-emission sources complemented by low-carbon gases.

The discussion on hydrogen as an energy carrier for the EU’s decarbonisation intensified in 2020. In line with recent EU strategies on innovative sector integration and hydrogen, there is a consensus that hydrogen will play an essential role in the future. Thus, ETIP-SNET intends to understand the benefits and challenges of the hydrogen topic as a direct impact on power system operation and planning and, more broadly, in an optimised whole energy system perspective. In particular, this paper addresses the following High-Level Use Cases (HLUC) that are defined in the ETIP-SNET R&I Roadmap 2022-2031: HLUC1 “Optimal Cross Sector Integration and Grid Scale Storage”, HLUC4 “Massive RES Penetration into the Transmission and Distribution Grid”, HLUC5 “One-Stop Shop and Digital Technologies for Market Participation of Consumers (Citizens) at the Centre” and HLUC9 “Flexibility Provision by Buildings, Districts and Industrial Processes”. This paper presents key findings, principles, and key messages for addressing R&D efforts and market/regulation changes needed”

Moderated by: Dr. Thai-Phuong Do (CEA, France)


  1. Olaf Bernstrauch (Terna, Italy): “Presentation of the ETIP SNET from the Members of the Governing Board”
  2. Prof. Georgios Christoforidis (Univ. of Western Macedonia, Greece): “Impact of hydrogen integration on power grids and energy systems, part 1”
  3. Antonio Iliceto (Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG, Germany): “Impact of hydrogen integration on power grids and energy systems, part 2”
  4. Florent Montignac (CEA, France) “GREEN HYSLAND’s project: GREEN HYSLAND’s project: Bi-objective dynamic optimization of hydrogen supply chains: preliminary assessment of environmental impacts and costs in the frame of Balearic Islands”

Digitalization of Distribution Grids: Current and future challenges in Europe

Tuesday 24 October 2023 – 16h30-18h00 – Kilimandjaro 1-2

Decarbonization poses major challenges for the distribution grids in Europe. In addition to a strong expansion of renewable energies, new loads are also being integrated into the distribution grids. Electromobility in particular puts an enormous strain on the grids due to high charging capacities and high simultaneity. At the same time, more and more battery storage systems are being installed as solar energy storage systems, generation and consumption communities are being set up, and the industry is increasingly relying on solar energy and battery storage systems. The challenges are diverse and pose completely new challenges for the distribution system operators. With this panel, various distribution grid operators have their say and present their current and future challenges. Together with the researchers, possible solutions for the digitization and transformation of the distribution grids are discussed on the basis of current research results.

Moderated by:  Prof. Dr. Jens Haubrock and Prof. Nikos Hatziagyriou


  1. Dr. Michael Kelker, Stadtwerke Bielefeld Netz GmbH, Germany
  2. Mr. Yamshid Farhat, Head of Technology & AI at BKW Energie AG, Switzerland, “Towards cellular energy systems: Challenges and opportunities of the Energy transition in Switzerland”
  3. Ms. Katrin Schulte, HSBI AG NES, Germany
  4. Sébastien Julien (Head of Network Operations Department at GreenAlp, France): “Digitalization and sustainability from an urban DSO point of view”
  5. Dr. Sreten Davidov, DNO Elektro Ljubljana d.d., “Integrating Real-Time Measurements in Distribution Grids: Advancing Observability and State Estimation”

Roadmap of Innovating with AI for Distribution Grids

Wenesday 25 October 2023 – 8h30-10h00 – Kilimandjaro 3-4

The panel explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in modernizing distribution grids and discussing a roadmap for their implementation. The panellists will delve into various applications of AI in distribution grids, such as empowering the grid edge, AI-assisted flexibility provision, outage prediction, enhancing distribution network planning, and integrating AI research into Distribution System Operators (DSOs). By presenting practical use cases and insights, the panel aims to create a coherent roadmap for the effective integration of AI in distribution grids, paving the way for a decarbonized and resilient energy future. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the latest trends, emerging technologies, and potential challenges, fostering a collaborative environment to shape the future of intelligent energy systems guided by the proposed roadmap.

Moderated by:  Jochen L. Cremer, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands


  1. Federica Bellizio, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland, “AI-assisted flexibility provision in distribution grids: building and e-mobility”
  2. Daniel Donaldson, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, “AI-Based Outage Prediction for Distribution Network Operators”
  3. Pedro Vergara Barrios, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, “Enhancing Distribution Networks Planning using AI”
  4. Werner van Westering, Alliander, Netherlands, “Integrating AI Research into the DSO”

Flexible energy communities: hype or reality? How to equip communities so they can support the electricity system and connect to the broader smart grid economy?

Wenesday 25 October 2023 – 14h30-16h00 – Kilimandjaro 1-2

Energy communities are at the forefront of the transition to sustainable energy systems. This panel session explores the pivotal role of open source digital tools in supporting the development and success of energy communities in the European Union. It delves into the legal aspects and definitions of Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) and Citizen Energy Communities (CECs) and the crucial need for flexibility services in the evolving energy landscape. The session also provides an overview of the REScoopVPP solution and the ecosystem of cooperatives involved, illustrating the practical application of these concepts.

Moderated by:  Roland Tual, Project Manager,


  1. Roland Tual, Project Manager, and Vincent Dierickx, co-founder and president, EnergieID, “Setting the scene: energy communities, flexible services and open source digital tools”
  2. Matt Fawcett (Co-founder of The Carbon Co-op) and Joannes Laveyne (Researcher at Electrical Energy Lab, Gent Univ., Belgium): “Making home smart: devices interoperability and home automation”
  3. Vincent Dierickx (Co-founder and President of EnergieID) and Clément Jeannesson (Data Engineer at Enercoop): “Equipping communities with flexibility solutions”
  4. Ine Swennen (Project Manager at Ecopower): “Cooperatives offering flexibility services to citizens”


Thursday 26 October 2023 – 10h30-12h00 – Everest

This session is devoted to startups associated with the ISGT Europe conference. The presentations will show the current level of development and the projects they have in their portfolios..

Moderated by:  tbc


  1. Roseau Technologies tbc
  2. Olivier Constant (OmégaWatt): “From detailed load monitoring to LV network optimization”
  3. Nathalie Desbrosses (Steadysun): “Steadysun: solar and wind energy forecasting”
  4. Dimitri Tainoff (Moïz-eh): “Self powered and versatile measurement modules for the monitoring of industrial processes and infrastructures : the case of electrical transport”
  5. Cornel Ioana (Altrans): “Early warning identification of weaknesses in power cables using AI-based analysis of transient phenomena”
  6. Sellé Toure (Ikattan): Ikadips, a web-based tool to automate the Variable Renewable Energies (VRE) grid integration studies