Roberto Zangrandi is Secretary General of E.DSO. Previously he was Head of European Public Affairs between 2007 and 2015. At Enel, he also served as Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Identity and Image, Corporate Communication Plans. In his background, 12 years with Fiat (Director of External Relations in Frankfurt and Head of International Media Relations) and 15 years an economic and financial journalist. In addition, he worked as an organisational communication expert for a first-tier consulting company for some years. He studied Political Science and Sociology and held a Master’s in International Associations Management from the Solvay Brussels School.

An Indispensable Force For The Energy Transition

After years as “children of a lesser God”, DSOs have achieved institutional maturity at European level.
They are the ones investing the most and quicker in modernising networks, they are a stronghold in widespread innovation and the application of the most advanced digital technologies, right up to sophisticated artificial intelligence solutions.
However, the approach of European institutions and regulators still frequently remains geared towards the now often cumbersome regulatory processes and neglects the industrial aspects of companies. Here is a snapshot of how E.DSO is refocusing attention on business.