Half Day Tutorials
Monday, February 17, 2020 | |
8:00 am - 12:00 pm | Smart Grid and OT/IT Instructor: Doug Houseman, Burns & McDonnell Overview of new conceptual/OTIT systems for smart grid issues and lessons learned with the conventional stack of OT systems. Introduction to the concept of a Grid Management System (GMS). Introduction to data requirements and volumes. Introduction to standards for smart grid IT systems. Regulations for grid security vulnerabilities and risks in smart grid systems. A systematic approach to smart grid security. Lessons learned in smart grid security. Key standards for smart grid security. Learning Objectives:
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Demand Response: Overview, Applications, and Field Experiments Instructors: Farrokh Rahimi, OATI; Ning Lu, NCSU; Jianming (Jamie) Lian, PNNL; Haiwang Zhong, Tsinghua University Conventional power grid operation predominantly relies on scheduling and regulating generation resources to supply loads and balance load changes. The electric utility operational requirements and business model are changing due to a number of factors, including increasing levels of renewable and distributed energy resources, new technologies, and increasingly savvy consumers/prosumers. Increased variability of renewable generation resources, changes the conventional “load following” paradigm to a new “generation following” regime resulting in the need for higher levels of balancing requirements from demand-side participation. With the advancement of information technologies, power system end-use loads are becoming more agile and can participate in provision of balancing energy and other grid services. This tutorial will cover advanced topics in modeling demand response programs and their impacts on power grid operation and planning studies. Business use cases, new developments enhancing participation of demand-side assets in grid operation, and bilateral transactive exchanges will be covered, along with lessons learnt in the DR demo and actual field implantation projects carried out in recent years. Learning Objectives: The audience will learn about the following topics of current interest (issues and corresponding solutions):