SSIT's Pre-Conference STEM Workshop
17th September 2024 – INAOE – Puebla – Mexico

There are 9 areas where you can explore the relationship between engineering history and technology and the complex relationships they have with society, politics, economics and culture.

Understanding that technology and history are not mutually exclusive subjects, IEEE REACH provides pre-university teachers with free, open educational resources that situate science, technology, and engineering in their social and humanistic contexts. The program is interdisciplinary, and while designed for Social Studies teachers and meeting the C3 Framework standards, it also meets the Next Generation Science Standards, and the Standards for Technology and Engineering Literacy as defined by the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA).
The resources include: Inquiry Units which are inquiry designed lesson plans based on the C3 (College, Career, Civics) Framework, primary and secondary sources, hands-on-activities, multimedia sources (video and audio), background information for teachers, and additional resources. The REACH site is fully text searchable, by context, i.e., Inquiry Unit, Primary Sources etc., or by 9 themes: agriculture, manufacturing, materials & structures, energy, communication, transportation, information processing, medicine & healthcare, and warfare. A search may be broken down even further by era, geography, and by World History AP themes.
REACH offers a one-stop shop of resources that bring to life the history of technology and engineering in the classroom. As stated by NCSS (National Council of Social Studies), “History, a field that straddles the humanities and the social sciences, is the ideal channel for demonstrating how science and technology operate in society.” IEEE REACH offers an opportunity to expose students to the different ways that science and technology interrelate and play out in society.
The IEEE REACH Program as described in its website at (REACH = Raising Engineering Awareness through the Conduit of History.)

The Guillermo Haro Barraza museum is a documentation center of the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics that has bibliographic, documentary and administrative, patrimonial and specialized materials with restricted public access.
The presence of a museum within a public research center lies in the need for every organization to remember its past, disseminate its present and save its heritage for the future. The museum fulfills the function of a unifying agent between historical memory, institutional identity and outreach to the community.
MISSION: The Guillermo Haro Museum’s mission is the preservation of the various heritage collections of the INAOE, as well as its research, development and dissemination in Mexican society and international settings.
VISION: Generate a solid link with society through spaces for scientific dissemination, historical memory and local culture that serve to promote community development.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Remember the history of the INAOE, generating a spirit of belonging among the members of the Institutional community and being a space open to society through its continuous permanent and temporary exhibitions, as well as in the development of adequate social relevance through of free academic and cultural activities.
Currently in the two rooms of the museum you can see a total of 70 scientific instruments on display, about 120 are in storage and 60 are in the process of restoration.