Special Thanks
Conference Sponsors

IEEE LAEDC 2023 is one of the IEEE Electron Devices Society flagship conferences since 2019. Last year, over 300 attendees including students, researches, participants and professional representing more than 30 different countries from Asia, Europe, and the Americas attend IEEE LAEDC to take the advantage of a program which includes keynote sessions, technical presentations, workshops, a panel session in Humanitarian Technology, networking session and engaging industry sessions. LAEDC is known to bringing together specialists from Industry and Academia to learn about the innovations and latest research in Electron Device related fields. The 2023 Conference will be held at Puebla in Mexico.
Sponsors/Exhibitors opportunities
As a sponsor of IEEE LAEDC, your organization will gain maximum exposure to an audience that includes executives, renowned researchers, scientists, and young professionals and students from all over the world. Sponsorships are available for certain benefits grouped by levels listed below, all sponsors will have the opportunity for a stand for sharing company’s information during the event, appear in all publicity material and appear on the LAEDC website.
Platinum Level – US $ 10,000
- Company’s logo on all materials for participants.
- Special mention of the company during opening and closing sessions.
- Special mention of the company in social networks. Option to include promotional material on social networks.
- Announcement of one page within the programming booklet.
- Company’s banner displayed prior to plenary sessions and press announcements.
- Company’s digital material included in registration package.
- An optional 20-minute invited talk.
- Share participant’s information and contact list with Company (for participants that opt in).
- Logo of the company projected between the lectures.
- Right to include company promotional material in registration package email.
- Company’s logo will appear on all publicity material.
- Company’s logo will appear on the conference website.
Gold Level – US $ 7,000
- Company’s banner displayed prior to plenary sessions and press announcements.
- Company’s digital material included in registration package.
- An optional 20-minute invited talk.
- Share participant’s information and contact list with Company (for participants that opt in).
- Logo of the company projected between the lectures.
- Right to include company promotional material in registration package email.
- Company’s logo will appear on all publicity material.
- Company’s logo will appear on the conference website.
Silver Level – US $ 4,000
- Logo of the company projected between the lectures.
- Right to include company promotional material in registration package email.
- Company’s logo will appear on all publicity material.
- Company’s logo will appear on the conference website.
Bronze Level – US $ 2,000
- Company’s logo will appear on all publicity material.
- Company’s logo will appear on the conference website.