Call for Industry Demos

IEEE MMSP 2023 is calling for industry showcase demos to be presented during the conference. These demos can be related to any technical area covered by IEEE MMSP 2023.

The objective of this showcase is to present demonstrations by researchers from industry. The demos should highlight both the technological and research aspects of their work while incorporating an interactive element for the audience. The primary goal is to actively engage the audience and demonstrate the process of bridging the gap between research and practical products. However, it is important to note that demos promoting commercial products are not appropriate for this particular event.

Participants are encouraged to submit demo proposals by July 26th. Each proposal should include the following:

  • Title of the demonstration
  • Names, affiliations, and email addresses of the contributors.
  • A maximum 500-word abstract describing the demonstrated technology, the equipment to be used, and the overall demo experience. The abstract should clearly explain the innovative aspects of the proposed demo and its relevance to the IEEE MMSP 2023 audience.

It is preferable for demos to incorporate both a presentation and an interactive element. However, in cases where logistical constraints hinder the physical transportation of the demo, a video showcasing the live demonstration will be accepted, provided it adheres to the specified requirements.

Any specific equipment required will be the responsibility of the participants, including shipping costs, delivery to and from the conference, as well as the care of the equipment during the event.

Please note that at least one person must register to IEEE MMSP 2023 to present a demo.

Important dates

  • Demo submission deadline: 26 July 2023 9 August 2023
  • Notifications of acceptance: 2 August 2023 23 August 2023

Submission process

For demo submissions or any questions regarding the industry demos, please contact the IEEE MMSP 2023 Demo/Industrial Chairs, Wei Hu ( and Joel Jung (

Download PDF Call for Industry demos