MMSP 2024 Call for Grand Challenges in Multimedia Signal Processing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Generative Computing

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Multimedia signal processing stands poised at the vanguard of technological innovation, spearheading advancements across a spectrum of sectors, including entertainment, communication, healthcare, and beyond. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative Computing (GC), the landscape of multimedia signal processing is undergoing profound transformations, heralding both opportunities and challenges of considerable magnitude. Previously constrained by traditional signal processing techniques, the symbiosis between MMSP and AI/GC now presents an expanse of potential, promising to revolutionize the creation, consumption, and comprehension of multimedia content. This synergy not only offers transformative benefits to individuals, industries, and society at large but also serves as a foundation for pioneering developments in the realm of technology.

We are pleased to extend a warm invitation for you to contribute your proposals to the MMSP in the age of AIGC. We seek innovative solutions and outcomes that hold the promise of substantial impact within this field while simultaneously advancing the broader objectives of enhancing AI and GC methodologies for the optimization of multimedia signal processing tasks in real-world contexts. We particularly encourage brave, interesting, novel, but not-that-mature approaches in this venue.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Deep learning techniques for multimedia signal processing
  • Generative models for multimedia content creation, representation, and enhancement
  • Applications of AI and GC in immersive multimedia experiences
  • Cross-Modal Translation and Synthesis
  • Adaptive and self-learning multimedia systems
  • Adversarial Attacks and Defences in Multimedia Signal Processing
  • Interactive Multimedia Generation
  • Human-computer interaction and user-centered design in multimedia applications

To facilitate the submission process, we kindly request that you adhere to the standard MMSP paper template, ensuring that your submission does not exceed 4-6 pages in length, inclusive of acknowledgments, references, or any additional material you wish to include.

Please be assured that all submissions will be thoroughly evaluated by leading experts in the field. Accepted papers will be prominently featured in the MMSP conference proceedings, which will be indexed in IEEE Xplore.

IEEE MMSP 2024 Grand Challenges Chairs:

We are looking forward to your submissions!