1. Early bird registration opened on August 1, 2024 and closed on August 31, 2024. 
  2. Refund requests received before October 20, 2024 may be treated based on certain terms and conditions. Refund requests received from October 21, 2024 will not be honoured.
  3. Kindly note the adjustments on the authorship fees as a result of foreign exchange rates. The changes are effective from 7:30pm WAT October 22, 2024.


  1. One author registration will cover the publication expenses of ONLY ONE Accepted paper.
  2. Additional accepted paper attracts additional authorship registration fees.
  3. To be published in IEEE Xplore, at least one author of an accepted paper is required to register for the Conference as an author.
  4. Non-IEEE Student Members will pay the Non-Member rate.
  5. Over length page charge of Ten thousand Naira (per page) is required for every page more than eight pages.


S/NIEEE Membership CategoryConference Registration and AttendanceAuthorship (One Paper)Conference Branded BagAdditional Paper per Author per AuthorAdditional Pages (after 8 pages) per paper and page
1Life Member30,00049,300.2020,00049,300.208,000
4Student (IEEE Member)25,00049,300.2020,00049,300.208,000
5Student (Non-Member)50,00049,300.2020,00049,300.208,000
6Corporate Organizations/ Companies/ Institutions500,00049,300.2049,300.20/ Author8,000/ page
7International (Individuals)$100$30$5
8Foreign Corporate Organizations/ Companies/ Institutions$500 (Maximum of 5 participants)$30/ Author$5/ page


Exhibition Booth = $1,000

  • Note that this fee excludes registration for the Exhibitors.


Prospective participants are advised to read this guide carefully before navigating to the Registration portal. Kindly note that false claim of IEEE membership can lead to invalid registration.

  1. Visit the registration page by clicking here or by clicking on the registration button on the bottom of this page.
  2. On the Basic Conference Registration, select the type of registration you are qualified for in the basic registration category.
  3. On Authorship, authors are to select the number of papers they are registering for. Non-author participants are to neglect this selection.
  4. On Optional Add-ons, participants are to select whether they want the conference bag + materials or want online attendance. In-person participants can neglect this category if the conference swag is not needed.
  5. Conference Material, participants can select if they want the conference bag and other things.
  6. Before checking out, kindly select the currency you are making payment with. You can select from NGN, USD, GBP etc
  7. Then complete the registration process by clicking the “Add to Cart” button and navigate through the corresponding prompts to make payment.
  8. Upon successful registration, kindly complete the form on the page you are redirected to. In the form, participants that claimed to be IEEE members are to submit their membership number for validation. Also, authors are to fill in their paper IDs in the form.