Keynote Speaker 1
Abstract: Owing to the energy shortage and the rising awareness of environment protection, not only makes people pay attention to energy saving issue, but jointly affect the development trend of power electronic industries. According to the roadmap of power electronics industries, it includes improving energy conversion efficiency, decreasing components and increasing power density. The talk particularly focuses on high power density AC-DC/ DC-DC/ DC-AC conversion techniques for information technology, electric vehicles, and renewable energy applications.
Speaker’s Background: Huang-Jen Chiu has been with the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, where he is a Distinguished Professor and the Director of Center for Power Electronic Technologies, now. His research interests include high efficiency/ high power density bidirectional DC/DC converters, PFC topologies, PV inverters, and DSP control in renewable energy applications.His work brought him several distinctive awards including the Young Researcher Award in 2004 from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, the Outstanding Teaching Award in 2009 and the Excellent Research Award in 2009 and 2011 from the NTUST, the Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Paper Award in 2010, the Excellent Academic-industry collaboration Award in 2015, and Google Little Box Academic Awards. His student teams won the grand prize of the IEEE International Future Energy Challenge (IFEC) in 2013 and 2015, respectively. Dr. Chiu is an IEEE senior member and serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Letters (TCAS-II). He is currently the Taipei Chapter Chair of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and the General Co-chair of 2017 IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC 2017-ECCE Asia). Dr. Chiu is actively working in IEEE Taipei Section. He arranged several meetings to promote the local activity of IEEE member in Taipei Section and to increase the number of IEEE membership in Taiwan. He served as the Program Chair of 2015 IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IEEE IFEEC 2015), the Topic Co-Chair of 2016 International Future Energy Challenge (IFEC 2016) and the Secretary of IEEE PELS/ IES Taipei Joint Chapter during 2010-2014. Dr. Chiu was the organizer of 2014 Symposium on Semiconductor Power Conversion (S2PC 2014) co-sponsored by IEEE PELS/ IES Taipei, KIPE in Korea and IEEJ-IAS in Japan and the organizer of Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Power Conversion (TJSPC 2012) co-sponsored by IEEE PELS/ IES Taipei and IEEJ-IAS in Japan. He also organized the 2015 Cross-Strait Green Energy Forum co-sponsored by the TaiPEA and CES in China. Dr. Chiu is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET). He has published more than 300 academic publications in leading international conferences and SCI journals.