Plenary Talk II


Ajit Kumar Verma
Professor in Engineering(Technical Safety),
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences,
Haugesund, Norway

Title: A Computational Intelligence Framework for Optimal Maintenance of Power Plants


Maintenance Optimization in Power plants is a key area in asset management in the power utilities industry. Machinery Health Monitoring is increasingly being adopted by industries not only as a means for asset management but also for ensuring high levels of availability with its consequent gains by ascertaining the impact in enhancing availability at plant level and in a cost effective manner. A computational intelligence framework for optimal maintenance through the quantification of certain
features such as detect-ability and prognostic ability and a  fuzzy logic approach for doing so are presented. These features are then incorporated into a multi-objective maintenance optimization model based on Markov process and genetic algorithm, the results of which serve as a decision support system for the selection of health monitoring. A demonstrative  case is presented to illustrate this idea.


Speaker’s Biography:

Ajit K. Verma is a Professor in Engineering(Technical Safety), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Haugesund. He has been in Norway as a Professor since 2012 and was a Professor /Senior (HAG) scale Professor for around 15 years at IIT Bombay with the Reliability Engineering/Department of Electrical Engg. He was an adjunct at the University of Stavanger, Norway and has been a Guest Professor at the Luleå University of Technology for the past several years. He was awarded (2017) Honorary Professor at Amity University, India and also a Life Time Achievement award at IIT Madras by SRESA. He was the Director of the International Institute of Information Technology Pune, on lien from IIT Bombay, from Aug 2009-Sep 2010. He has supervised/co-supervised 39 PhDs and over 100 Master’s theses( IITB; HVL,Norway; Univ of Gåvle; LJMU,UK; WMG,UK) in the area of Electronic Systems Reliability, Software Reliability, Reliable Computing, Power Systems Reliability, Reliability Centred Maintenance , Computational Intelligence/Soft Computing in RAMS for Complex Engineering Systems, Power System Reliability and Probabilistic Safety/Risk Assessment in power plants. He has executed various research projects in India to promote industry interface and has been course co-ordinator for industry CEPs like Reliability engineering, Six Sigma, Software Inspections, Competency Tracking System and Software Reliability for IT industries. He was the Editor-in Chief of Opsearch(Springer)(2008-2010); Founding EIC(2010-2022) and Patron( 2023- ), International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management( Springer); Editor-in-Chief ( 2017- Till date) Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering( Springer). He has jointly edited books published by Springer titled 1.Reliability and Risk Evaluation of Wind Integrated Power Systems 2.Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Smart Power Systems 3.Sustainable Power Systems- Modeling, Simulation and Analysis. 4.System Performance and Management Analytics 5. Quality, IT and Business Operations-Modeling and Optimization 6.Strategic System Assurance and Business Analytics 7.Textbook of Seismic Design 8.Current Trends in RAMS 9.Soft Computing Theories and Applications and is also an author of books titled 1.Fuzzy Reliability Engineering-Concepts and Applications (Narosa), 2.Optimal Maintenance of Large Engineering System-Practical Strategies for Effective Decision Making(Narosa), 3.Reliability and Safety Engineering (Springer) 4.Dependability of Networked Computer Based Systems (Springer), 5.Risk Management of Non-Renewable Energy Systems(Springer) 6. Reliability Data on Fire Sprinkler Systems(CRC Press). He is also the book series editor (Springer) of 1.Asset AnalyticsPerformance and Safety Management 2.Reliable and Sustainable Electric Power and Energy Systems Management 3.Risk, Reliability and Safety Engineering 4.Fire Safety Engineering and Management 5.Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications. He has over 250 publications in various journals and conferences. He has served as a Guest Editor of Special Issue of IETE Technical Review on Quality Management in Electronics, Telecommunication & Information Technology, 2001 and as a Guest Editor of Special Issue of International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (World Scientific) Dec 2004, June 2006, April 2008, Dec 2009 & June 2010. He has been a Guest Editor of Special Issue of DQM Communications, 2006, 2007 & 2009 and Special Issue on ‘Dependability in computing systems’ of International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2006. He was a Guest Editor of Special Issue on ‘Reliable Computing’ of International Journal of Automation and Computing Oct 2007, May 2010, IJSA (June 2010) (with Prof Roy Billington and Prof Rajesh Karki) and IJSAEM (March 2011) (with Prof Lotfi Zadeh and Prof Ashok Deshpande), IJSA( with Ljubisa Papic), 2020 and IEEE Transactions on Reliability, March 2011(jointly with Prof.K.B.Misra). He has been Patron/General Chair/ Conference Chair of various International Conference.