Software Competition – UPDATED 3/24/2022


The Region 3 Student Software competition is held annually in conjunction with SoutheastCon. Student teams are presented with programming problems and asked to code solutions. The solution codes are judged according to the defined metrics of the problem. The goal of the competition is for students to demonstrate general programming skills while learning new skills and having fun in a competitive environment.

More details to come shortly, but we will once again be doing the BATTLECODE competition from MIT

Battlecode is a real-time strategy game, for which you will write an AI player. Your AI player will need to strategically manage a robot army and control how your robots work together to defeat the enemy team. As a contestant, you will learn to use artificial intelligence, pathfinding, distributed algorithms, and communications to make your player as competitive as possible.

From the Battlecode team at MIT:
“Only Java 8 is required for Battlecode. We recommend that students download an IDE (IntelliJ or Eclipse), but they can use a text editor / terminal if they prefer.”
For a feel for what we will be doing look at – but we won’t be doing the current public challenge.
The challenge will be presented at 1PM on next Friday in the ballroom at SoutheastCon

Question should be directed to the discord Software Competition channel

Questions & Answers

Join our discord! The planning committee is available to answer any questions you may have about SoutheastCon 2022! The discord server has channels for both student program and technical program, with focus on hardware competition, software competition and authors. Please keep in mind that while we will do our best to update discord, the information posted on this site should be referenced as your primary resource.