R-SAC Email: Bailey.u.heyman@gmail.com
RSR Email: JLIN972@students.bju.edu
Important: Past SoutheastCons did not cover student branch rebates in the program because the deadline for the rebate is usually in February. However, this year IEEE has extended the deadline to April 16th and therefore, SAC will be taking advantage of the in person opportunity to sit down with branches and get their reporting taken care of.
As a reminder, to qualify for a Student Branch rebate, Branches must have officers reported in vTools Officer Reporting, submit a 2023 Annual Plan through vTools Student Branch Reporting, and have four (4) or more events held in 2022 reported in vTools Events.
Click here to check on if your branch has qualified and if not, what they are not meeting. This data is from 3/16/23 and is not being updated live.
Step 1: Officer Reporting
Click here for list of officers currently being reported for your branch (note, only last names are shown to meet privacy policy). Only the officers listed for your branch are able to automatically update the branch officer list, send in the annual plan, and send in events. Therefore, it is vital that your branch has the correct officers listed. We will work with branches on site at SoutheastCon to update this information but it would go through a manual review process if the update is not coming from someone currently reported as a branch officer. Therefore, we recommend students try and update their officer list prior to SoutheastCon so that we can ensure that we will be able to help with all remaining items for student branch reporting.
IEEE students can only update branch officer list, submit a branch annual plan, or submit events if they are currently listed as an officer for the branch. Therefore, the first step is to update your officer reporting. Click here for tutorial on how to update your officer list.
If your branchs current officer list in vtools is outdated and none of the officers listed are still with your branch, then don’t worry. There is a manual process.
Annual Plan
Click here for tutorial on how to submit your annual plan.
Submitting Events
Has your branch had events in 2022 but did not initially put them in vTools? No worries! Click here to report past events.