Local Information
Time Zone
GMT-5 – Panama observes Eastern Standard Time (EST) all year, there is no daylight savings time, and clocks do not change.
Weather Conditions
The average temperature in July in Panama is 86 F (30 C). Please be sure to check the weather prior to traveling. You may encounter brief rain in August. The hotel meeting rooms can be cold so you may want to bring a sweater or jacket to the meetings.
Attire is smart business casual.
The official currency is the Balboa. However, the American dollar is equivalent in value and of common distribution. The rate of exchange for the Balboa has always been tied to the U.S. dollar – one dollar equals one Balboa. While shopping or eating out, you may see prices with either a “$” or a “B/” before them, corresponding to dollars or balboas. They mean the same thing and have the same value. ATMs are the easiest and best way to get cash away from home and are available in banks and supermarkets, identifiable by a red SISTEMA CLAVE sign with a white key.
Electrical Outlets
Panama uses 110V, 60 Hz AC power.
The official language is Spanish; however, English is spoken within Panama City.
When dining out, a minimum of 10% tip is customarily given. Taxis add a tip to the price, as do hotels, which are required by law to include a 10% tourism tax.