October 14, 4:30-6:30 pm Eastern Time
Communication privacy is a legislated citizen’s right, a security and defense tool, a driver for economic growth, and a vital factor for the smooth functioning of markets – even more so in the era of mass communications enabled by the Internet. Increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks are undermining the functioning of communications networks, critical infrastructure, services and, ultimately, the resiliency of societies. Due mainly to the cost reduction of payload and launchers in the last decade, space is dynamically changing and access to space has never been as cheap and simpler than nowadays. Hybrid terrestrial/ Space deployment for 5G e.g. to reach rural areas with enhanced secured bandwidth could benefit from this change and Europe has foreseen ambitious programs to face this issue. However, the telecommunications evolution towards 5G will create new potential vulnerabilities. 5G networks are estimated to have hundreds more attack vectors compared to previous 4G networks. This is inherent in the 5G concept of massive Machine Type Communications whereby vastly more devices will be digitally connected to the network and, therefore, potentially be the object of cyberattacks. As a future critical challenge, it is expected that the aspect of Quantum plays a particular and increasingly critical role given that its emergence puts in jeopardy the protections afforded by existing traditional cryptographic protection techniques supporting current and anticipated networks, as well as invalidating the protection afforded to existing sensitive information protected by these traditional means.
Mourad Debbabi (Moderator)
Dean Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science
Professor Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
Dr. Mourad Debbabi is affiliated to Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering, Concordia University. Dr. Mourad Debbabi is currently providing services as Professor. Dr. Mourad Debbabi has authored and co-authored multiple peer-reviewed scientific papers and presented works at many national and International conferences. Dr. Mourad Debbabi contributions have acclaimed recognition from honourable subject experts around the world. Dr. Mourad Debbabi is actively associated with different societies and academies. Dr. Mourad Debbabi academic career is decorated with several reputed awards and funding. Dr. Mourad Debbabi research interests include Cyber Forensics, Network Security, Software Security, Malware Analysis, Program Analysis, Software Engineering and Systems Engineering.
Christine Leurquin
Senior Advisor, European Institutions – RHEA Group
Christine Leurquin has 35 years of experience in the space and satellite telecommunications field in Europe. In November 2021, she joined the RHEA Group. In her new function, she reports both to the CEO of the RHEA Group and to the Managing Director of RHEA System Luxembourg S.A and responsible for creating and enlarging RHEA awareness with the European Institutions, European Agencies and Luxembourg Space Agency and other national organizations as required. She helps to best-position RHEA into the current opportunities associated to new Space and Cybersecurity European programs. In her previous position, she was Vice- President, Institutional Relations at SES S.A. She positioned the Company within the European Union, African Union and other International institutions, such as OECD, UEMOA, UNIDO, ESA or OECD, she engaged in helping the operational companies to develop new governments and institutional markets. Christine Leurquin is a successful, result-driven public affairs and business development professional, with extensive experience in both public and private sector. She has a proven track-record of effective advocacy in the field of European Public Policy strategies, Space Policy, Quantum, Government Satcom, ESA applications projects (such as B-Life), and has worked relentlessly to improve digitalization of Africa.. She has a valued-based approach to Public Affairs: inspiring trust, leading with the head and the heart, acting like an owner and with integrity.
Brian Mengwasser, Vice President & Head of Market Place and App Design, DISH NETWORK
An entrepreneur at heart, Brian Mengwasser has worked for both big companies and startups in many different areas of the telecom business — from satellite, to data intelligence, to cloud and artificial intelligence. But when he spoke with Marc Rouanne, Dish’s EVP and chief network officer, about the company’s vision for its 5G network, Mengwasser knew he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to be involved in what Dish is doing. “Lots of people in the industry think what we are doing is a wireless story or a 5G story. But I believe it is a cloud story,” Mengwasser said. “We are intertwining the cloud and the network in a way that hasn’t been done before.” Mengwasser joined Dish as its VP and head of marketplace and apps design where he is responsible for building the customer-facing network functionality and cultivating the development ecosystem for the company’s 5G network. He also oversees data strategy, architecture and the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning throughout the network. Before making the move to Dish, he was a founder and the CEO of Aurora Insight, a company that measures radio spectrum. And prior to that he worked for satellite company SES where he oversaw innovation projects.
Dr. Alf Zugenmaier, Professor, Munich University of Applied Science, Affiliate Professor, Concordia University
Alf Zugenmaier is a professor for mobile networks and security at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich, Germany, and an affiliate associate professor at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He has been active in standardization within the 3GPP security standardization group since 2008, working on security standards for 4G and 5G. Prior to becoming a professor, he worked at DOCOMO Euro-Labs in Munich, Germany, on secure mobility. Before that he was a postdoc at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK. He holds a PhD in Computer Science and a Diploma in Physics, both from the University of Freiburg. His research interests are in network and systems security and privacy.
Sébastien Roy, Sherbooke University
Sébastien Roy (M’00) received the B.Sc.A. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada, in 1991 and 1993, respectively, and the Ph. D. degree from Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada in 2000. From 2000 to 2002, he was a National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellow at Université Laval. In 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2018, he was invited professor with École Nationale Supérieure de Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie (ENSSAT), Lannion, France. In 2015, he was invited professor with Institut National de Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Rennes, France. From 2002 to 2012, he was sucessively Assistant, Associate (from 2005), and Full Professor (from 2010) at Université Laval. In 2012, he joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, where he is currently Full Professor, was Department Chair from 2016 to 2017, and where he is working on system-oriented and implementation aspects of digital intelligence, signal processing, advanced wireless communications, and cybersecurity. He is co-founder and co-leader of Université de Sherbrooke’s Center of Excellence in Integrated Intelligent Systems (CESIIUS). He is also a co-founder of the Digital Distributed Intelligence Network (D2IN), a multi-university consortium currently being established in Quebec with funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. Dr. Roy is active in industrial consulting and was involved in the organization of several international conferences. He is also recipient of multiple teaching, research, and technology transfer awards.
Ashraf Matrawy, PhD, PEng, SMIEEE, Carleton University,Professor and Associate Director Graduate Studies, School of Information Technology, Director, Next Generation Networks Group
Dr. Ashraf Matrawy is a Professor at Carleton University. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a licensed professional engineering in Ontario. He is also a Network co-Investigator of Smart Cybersecurity Network (SERENE-RISC). His area of interest is reliable and secure computer networking including IoT and 5G security. He is the winner of multiple best paper awards, the faculty graduate mentoring award in 2019, and the Faculty of Engineering Faculty Research Award in 2021. He currently collaborates with industry and government partners including TELUS and CHEO. He has been awarded research funding from government and industrial partners such as Alcatel-Lucent, TELUS, and NSERC. In addition to his academic research experience, he worked in industry during his two sabbatical years. He also consulted for different Canadian government departments. Dr. Matrawy is the founding faculty member at Carleton School of Information Technology with more than 10 years experience in undergraduate and graduate curriculum development for the Network Technology programs.
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