Demos will be presented on 15 October in two sessions: 11:00-13:00 Eastern, and 14:00-16:00 Eastern.
Session 1
11:00 – Welcome from Demo Co-Chairs (Alok Ranjan, Furkan Ercan, and Kaustubh Dhondge)
11:05 Demo 1: ML-Based Detection of IMSI Catchers by Network Operators (A preliminary research demo using simulated networks) – (Authors: Prajwol Kumar Nakarmi, Ikram Ullah – Ericsson)
11:20 Demo 2: Sustainable/Green, Smart 5G IoT Nodes (Authors: Payali Das, Sushmita Ghosh, Shouri Chatterjee, Swades De – IIT Delhi)
11:40 Demo 3: 5G-Enabled Backward Compatible Smart IoT Node (Authors: Payali Das, Sushmita Ghosh, Shouri Chatterjee, Swades De – IIT Delhi)
12:00 Demo 4: Thousand Eyes from a Network Engineers perspective (Authors: Uma Sankar Mohanty – Cisco) 12:20 Demo 5: YANG/Programmability on Cisco’s Enterprise Portfolio (Authors: Uma Sankar Mohanty, Pulkit Bindlish – Cisco)
12:40 Demo 6: Enterprise Streaming Telemetry : What’s in it for me!! (Authors: Uma Sankar Mohanty, Pulkit Bindlish – Cisco)
Session 2
14:00 Demo 7: Universal Decoder using GRAND (Authors: Muriel Medard – MIT, Ken R. Duffy – Maynooth University, Rabia Tugce Yazicigil and Arslan Riaz – Boston University)
14:20 Demo 8: Infosys 5G Security (Authors: Sreekanth S S, Hariharan B, Anuj Taneja – Infosys)
14:40 Demo 9: Infosys Private 5G Management (Authors: Sreekanth S S, Hariharan B, Rejeeth VS – Infosys)
15:00 Demo 10: Field demonstration of service continuity for remote driving in a 5G multi-PLMN environment (Authors: Edward Mutafungwa, Giancarlo Pastor, Jose Costa-Requena, Xuebing Li, Oussama El Marai, Norshahida Saba, Aziza Zhanabatyrova, Yu Xiao – Aalto University and Timo Mustonen, Matthieu Myrsky, Lauri Lammi, Umar Zakir Abdul Hamid, Marta Boavida, Sergio Catalano, Hyunbin Park, Pyry Vikberg, Sami Pukkila, Viljami Lyytikainen – Sensible 4)
15:20 Demo 11: 5G powered Smart Cities and Emergency Healthcare Systems with prototype demonstration (Authors: Mayur Kolhe, Sanjay Tiwari – Accenture)
15:40 Demo 12: Demonstration of Quantum powered 5G Operations Center (Authors: Mayur Kolhe, Sanjay Tiwari – Accenture)
15:55 Closing Remarks from Demo Co-Chairs (Alok Ranjan, Furkan Ercan, and Kaustubh Dhondge)