Thank you to our speakers, volunteers, organizers, sponsors, and most of all, attendees for a successful IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum.

2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum Conference Overview

The 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF’19), jointly organized by IEEE and 5G Lab Germany in conjunction with the IEEE 4th 5G Summit Dresden, will be held in Dresden, Germany, from September 30 through October 2, 2019. The IEEE 5G World Forum and 5G Summit will take a holistic approach to 5G system design, ranging from silicon hardware, wireless interfaces, networks, edge clouds all the way up to Tactile Internet applications. This three-day event offers a unique platform for industry leaders, innovators, and researchers from industry and academia to collaborate and exchange ideas that will help to drive standards and rapid deployment forward.

5G is not only evolutionary, providing higher bandwidth and lower latency than current-generation technology; more importantly, 5G is revolutionary, in that it is expected to enable fundamentally new applications with much more stringent requirements in latency and bandwidth. 5G should help solve the last-mile/last-kilometer problem and provide broadband access to the next billion users on earth at much lower cost because of its use of new spectrum and its improvements in spectral efficiency.

The World Forum will attract industry practitioners, researchers and academia, government regulators, and public sector executives to hear industry experts and peers share best practices and lessons learned, latest research, new standards development initiatives, innovations, and first-hand experiences regarding prototyping and initial service offerings. It offers an outstanding opportunity to showcase your products and applications to a vibrant and engaged audience and provides an ideal platform for you to reach hundreds of key decision makers involved in 5G.

Technical Paper Awards

Best paper award: 
Impact of Bandwidth Part (BWP) Switching on 5G NR System Performance, Fuad Abinader and Andrea S Marcano (Nokia Bell Labs, France); Karol Schober, Riikka Nurminen and Tero Henttonen (Nokia Bell Labs, Finland); Hisashi Onozawa (Nokia Bell Labs, Japan); Elena Virtej (Nokia Bell Labs, Finland)


  • An Ultra-Versatile Massive MIMO Transceiver Testbed for Multi-Gb/s Communication, Patrick Groeschel (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany); Markus Hehn (University Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany); Erik Sippel (Friedrich-Alexander Universiät Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany); Robert Schober (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany); Robert Weigel (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany); Martin Vossiek (LHFT, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany); Christian Carlowitz (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
  • The Effect of Additive and Multiplicative Scheduler Weight Adjustments on 5G Slicing Dynamics, Matthew Andrews (Nokia Bell Labs, USA); Sem Borst (Eindhoven University of Technology & Nokia Bell Labs, USA); Siegfried Klein (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Hans Kroener (Nokia, Germany); Silvio Mandelli (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
  • Wireless Control Communications Co-Design via Application-Adaptive Resource Management, Lucas Scheuvens (TU Dresden, Germany); Tom Hößler (TU Dresden & Barkhausen Institut, Germany); Andre Noll Barreto (Barkhausen Institut gGmbH, Germany & Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil); Gerhard P. Fettweis (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
  • Design of Bandpass Tunable Filter for Green Flexible RF for 5G, Yasir Ismael Abdulraheem Al-Yasir (University of Bradford, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Naser Ojaroudi Parchin (University of Bradford, United Kingdom, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Ali A. S. AlAbdullah (University of Bradford, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Ahmed Maan Abdulkhaleq (University of Bradford & SARAS Technology, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Raed A Abd-Alhameed and James Noras (University of Bradford, United Kingdom (Great Britain))

2019 Venue

International Congress Center Dresden
Dresden, Germany

Local hotel information can be found here.

The accommodation link for 5GWF & Summit

2019 Conference App

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