Alicia M. Tomaszewski is the Senior Manager for the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (“IEEE WIE”) and supports and drives forward the goals and decisions of the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee and Chair. She focuses on developing a strong partnership with the volunteer leaders and provides continuity in strategic thinking and planning of IEEE WIE programs. In addition, she is responsible for directing the business and financial management of the Committee.
Prior to joining IEEE WIE, Alicia was the Project Manager of the IEEE Transportation Electrification Community (IEEE TEC) and the IEEE Power Electronics Society (IEEE PELS) from 2015 to 2023. During this time, she was instrumental in transitioning the IEEE Transportation Electrification Community to a Council status within IEEE, effective January 1, 2024.
Alicia was involved in the launch of the AIAA/IEEE Electrified Aircraft Technologies Conference, which is now in its 8th year. In addition, within IEEE TEC, she executed the business and administrative management of the Community’s initiatives and projects. As a Project Manager for IEEE PELS, Alicia was responsible for 12 technical committees and helped fashion the International Technology Roadmap on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors published in 2018. Alicia was a Senior Administrator for the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society from 2012-2015
Alicia received her associate degree in business administration and is currently pursuing a BA in business management.