Infrastructure change is at the heart of the clean energy transition for today’s modern electric utilities. For many, once they embark on the journey to transform the grid, they quickly learn the importance of building a culture of innovation that helps leaders drive the change necessary to meet decarbonization mandates and initiatives. Creating a culture of innovation can be our greatest weapon to combat climate change, and utilities are on the critical path for leading the transition to a cleaner energy future. 

Join Kim Getgen of InnovationForce for a discussion where she will unpack the innovator’s dilemma inside the modern utility and discuss new ways to support the technical and cultural components needed to innovate faster. 

In this session, you will learn: 

  • Why is leading innovation so challenging?
  • How are we building innovation cultures and high-performing teams? Innovation is a human-team sport. Creating cultures that support innovation is as necessary as having the technical answers.
  • Can innovation be a way to support DEI strategies? Diversity and inclusion are important in innovation – diversity of thought and including everyone in the process helps organizations find and adopt the best ideas.