Dr. Deborah Huntley serves as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan.  She is the chief academic officer for the university which offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and professional graduate programs.  She also oversees the enrollment management and student affairs divisions.  As Provost she is responsible for curriculum, assessment, planning, program development, accreditations, budgets, scheduling, personnel matters including faculty and staff development and evaluation, and student issues within the university.  She has been a key leader in developing the STEM@SVSU programs and has been instrumental in raising over $8M to support those initiatives.   She also had a critical part in the university’s successful application for status as a Carnegie Community Engagement University.  She leads the university’s student success initiatives, focusing on retention, recruitment and academic reputation.  She chairs the university promotion and tenure committee and is a member of the president’s staff and planning council.

Prior to her current role as Provost, Dr. Huntley served for five years as the Dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology.  In that role, she was the chief academic officer for the college.  In addition, she chaired the university’s undergraduate curriculum committee, was a member of the executive team that led the university-wide accreditation efforts, and served as a voting member on the promotion and tenure committee. Prior to her deanship, she served for three years as the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at SVSU where she played an important role in developing  the university-wide program assessment efforts, for both general education and academic programs.  She was instrumental in developing resource allocation priorities for all academic units that were linked directly to departmental goals and objectives.  She developed a professional development program for new faculty, as well as a colloquium series that highlights outstanding scholarly work among faculty. As Associate Vice President, she chaired the campus wide technology committee, developing policies and processes for online instruction in its initial stages of implementation at the University, receiving a $1.8 M Title III grant from the U.S. Department of Education to support infrastructure for instructional technology and training. 

She assumed leadership roles in two re-accreditation cycles of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and worked closely with academic departments on CAEP, ABET, AACSB, CCNE and other specialized accreditations.  She currently serves as a member of the peer review corp for the HLC.  She has experience with collective bargaining, having negotiated two faculty association contracts as a member of the administrative team. 

Dr. Huntley holds the rank of Professor of Chemistry at Saginaw Valley State University, where she was the 2006 recipient of the Warrick Award for Research Excellence and the 2006 Rush Distinguished Lecturer.  Her background is in physical and inorganic chemistry, with interests in elucidating mechanisms of surface reactions relevant to heterogeneous catalysis using both ultrahigh vacuum surface analysis and density functional methods.  She was a visiting scientist at Cornell University from 2004-2006 and held the position of senior research scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory from 1983-1998.

Dr. Huntley earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Cornell University in 1984 and her Bachelors of Science in Chemistry, summa cum laude, from the University of Connecticut in 1979.   She was a charter member of the leadership team  of  the Saginaw Tittabawassee Rivers Contamination Community Advisory Group for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, serving on the leadership team for 4 years.  She also serves on the board of directors for the SVSU Foundation and the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum, the United Way of Saginaw County, and the Field Neuroscience Institute.  She has been active in educational outreach at many levels. 

Dr. Huntley and her husband Al Huntley have lived in Saginaw Township since 1998.  They have two grown children.  Dr. Huntley enjoys music, photography, cooking, the outdoors, and literature.