The WiSEE 2021 conference will feature a number of workshops, including:
Workshop on Space Solar Power – This workshop offers a forum for researchers, developers, and policy-makers to discuss SSP technologies, to advance the state of the art, to discuss supporting and related technical issues, and to take necessary actions. Accepted papers will be published at IEEExplore and presented at the workshop. The workshop accepts abstracts & talks and papers & talks. Papers should be submitted online and follow WiSEE 2021 format and submission approach.
2nd Workshop on Space Weather – This workshop aims at pin-pointing the state-of-the art technologies and initiatives facing the Space Weather threats and its impacts in extreme environments, with a particular focus on space and aviation domains. Contributions for technical presentations are encouraged from different research and application Space Weather communities. A panel discussion will be organized at the end of the session to bridge the efforts and the adopted solutions in the different domains.
Workshop on Motion Capture & Localization – Space and Aeronautical Applications – This workshop will host researchers and engineers interested in the emerging technologies and applications for wireless motion capture and fine-scale localization, particularly as they relate to space and aeronautical applications. Workshop presentations will explore technical issues relevant to emerging areas related to wireless motion capture and localization.