Real-time simulation technology for power electronics

Tutorial abstract :

Power electronics plays an increasingly important role in power systems and transportation applications, which has led to a significant demand for high-fidelity digital tools for designing, validating, and maintaining power electronics throughout their life cycles. Real-time simulation is an efficient and effective tool for fulfilling these tasks and is widely accepted by power electronics practitioners. However, real-time simulation of power electronic converters is challenging due to conflicts between very short computing times (down to the nanosecond level) and the complex models resulting from the nonlinearities and topologies of power electronic converters.

This tutorial aims to provide a systematic introduction to real-time simulation technology for modern power electronics, including mathematical modeling approaches, numerical solvers, real-time implementations, and application examples. The tutorial will begin with a general introduction to real-time simulation of power electronics, followed by a focus on modeling power electronics converters, including device and network modeling. The numerical solver for power electronics converters and their real-time simulation using FPGA will then be presented with examples. Finally, the tutorial will discuss trends and outlooks in power electronic real-time simulation.


About 2 hours 30 minutes

Presenter’s short bio:

Prof. Fei Gao is currently the Deputy Director of the French CNRS research institute FEMTO-ST (750 researchers) and a Full Professor at the School of Energy and Computer science of the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard (UTBM). He received from UTBM the PhD degree in renewable energy with distinguished Youth Doctor Award in 2010. His main research fields include hydrogen fuel cells for transportation and digital twin technology for modern power electronics and energy systems. Prof. Gao is a Fellow of IEEE and IET. He is the recipient of 2020 “IEEE J. David Irwin Early Career Award” from IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2022 “Leon-Nicolas Brillouin Award” from SEE France, and 2022 industrial “Sustainable Future Visionary Award” from Typhoon HIL. Prof.

Gao is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Industry Applications Society. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Industrial Electronics Technology News, and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. He currently serves as the Technical Activities Committee Chair of IEEE Transportation Electrification Council, the Vice-Chair of the Technical Committee on Electrified Transportation Systems of IEEE Power Electronics Society and the Secretary of Industrial Automation and Control Committee of IEEE Industry Application Society.