Call for Papers
IEEE ETCM 2022 aims to provide a comprehensive and highly prestigious venue for academics, engineers and researchers in particular from Ecuador Technical Chapters fields of expertise. The conference covers both theoretical and practical issues related to Communications, Computing, Computational Intelligence, Control Systems, Industrial Electronics, Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Power and Energy, Robotics and Automation.
In consideration of the current situation that humanity is experiencing, especially the research community and in accordance with the request to reduce mobilization to minimize the spreading of COVID-19, the Organizing Committee of IEEE ETCM 2022, in concert with the Steering Committee and IEEE Council, has decided that the conference will run as a hybrid conference (i.e., using remote audio/video support and an in-person event).
Important Dates
Papers Submission:
15 June 2022
New date: 17 July 2022
Notification of Acceptance:
15 July 2022
New date: 10 August 2022
Camera Ready Submissions:
15 August 2022New date: 31 August 2022
Conference: October 11-14th, 2022
Paper Submission
The articles must be submitted in digital format (PDF) through the paper submission page. Papers must be written in English. Papers must use the IEEE conference format. The minimum length is four (4) pages and the maximum length is six (6) pages per article including illustrations and references. Each paper should indicate appropriateness for the scope of the Conference, originality and quality of the technical content, whole organization and writing style. Papers submitted to IEEE ETCM 2022 will follow a double-blind review process. This means that authors of the submitted papers will need to remove all information revealing their identity (this includes author names, affiliations, and references to sponsoring agencies). Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. All previous ETCM editions that meet the SCOPUS guidelines have been included in this index.
For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors must register and present the paper at the conference; no-show paper will not be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. All papers will be cross‐examined using anti‐plagiarism automated software tools.
EasyChair link:
Organized by:
- IEEE Ecuador Section
- Co-organized with Escuela Politécnica Nacional
- Supported by the IEEE Ecuadorian Chapters