The Call for Submissions for 5th ICECIE’2023 is now open.
All papers of ICECIE’2022 successfully indexed at IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Welcome to 5th ICECIE’2023
Dear Colleagues,
It is a pleasure to invite you to 2023 5th International Conference on Electrical, Control And Instrumentation Engineering. ICECIE’2023 is an international conference for researchers and professionals to discuss latest findings and innovations in the field of Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Environment, with a special session on “Measurement for Energy”.
ICECIE2023 has opened Call for Papers for Regular Full Paper Submissions with a deadline set for July 25, 2023. We look forward to your innovative contributions in any of the following areas:
-Power Electronic Converters and Control Systems
-Energy and Environment
-Industrial Informatics and Computational Intelligence
-Power Electronics
-Distributed Generation and Grid Interconnection
-Electric Machines and Drives
-Electric Vehicles
-Energy Policies & Standards
-Energy Storage & Battery Charging Techniques
-Fuzzy Semantic Web
-Lighting Technologies
-Microgrid & Smart Grid
-Nature Inspired Algorithms and Machine Learning
-Power Quality Issues
-Renewable Energy Resources
-Surveillance and Monitoring
-Swarm Intelligence and Algorithms for Optimizing Smart Cities
-Wide Band Gap Devices
-Signal and Information Processing
-Automation technologies and robotics
Prof. Dr. A.R. KhorramDabiri
ICECIE’2023 General Chair
Quick Access
Paper TemplateBecome as Keynote SpeakerIEEE ICECIE on IASRegistration and FeesAbout Venue (Hotel Stripes)Important Dates
Paper Submission:June 15, 2023
July 25, 2023 (Extended)
Authors Notification:
June 31, 2023
Early Registration:
July 15, 2023
Camera Ready and Registration:
July 31, 2023
Publication and Index
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications(20%)
Google Scholar
IEEE Industry Application Society
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