Connecting the architected solid designs to 3D printed sensors and wearables
Woo Soo Kim
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Abstract:3D conductive printing can generate custom designs of complex 3D form-factors that enable sensors to be integrated on curvilinear objects. This tutorial introduces recent development of 3D printed sensors which utilize mechanical and electrical properties of various architectured solids. 3D-printed sensing platforms including transistors, neuromorphics, and wireless RF based sensors will be discussed for the applications of unique form-factored wearables and sensing applications.
Biography:Dr. Woo Soo Kim is an Associate Professor of the School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering in Simon Fraser University (SFU). Prior to SFU career, he was a Senior Research Scientist in Xerox Corporation after Post-doctoral Research in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He received BSc degree from Yonsei University, and MSc/PhD degrees from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He received Quadrant Award 2007 and Hanwha New Faculty Award in 2016. He has published 70 journal papers. Recently, his research focus is on the advanced 3D printing technologies for architectured solids and 3D printed sensing applications.