ISTAS21 Mentorship Sessions for Students and Young Professionals

Why participate in a mentorship session?

As part of ISTAS21, the IEEE SSIT Student Activities Committee and Young Professionals Committee are organizing a unique learning and networking career opportunity for students and young professionals in the conference. With an ever changing world, it is imperative to learn from experienced professionals and academics who have gained a wealth of experience as they have navigated through multiple career changes.

What will happen during a mentorship session?

We will be matching mentees and experienced mentors based on their areas of interest for coordinated 1-on-1 sessions during the ISTAS21 conference. These 45 minutes sessions will be initiated by a coordinator who will facilitate introductions, provide structure in the form of a “discussion playbook,” and offer concrete suggestions for mentees/ mentors to make full use of the time. At the end of their 1-on-1 session, the mentee and mentor will rejoin with the coordinator in the virtual room to discuss action items, key points, and feedback.

How can you sign up for a mentorship session?

Mentorship Session sign-up takes place as part of the ISTAS21 registration process. Simply check the box indicating whether you’re interested in participating as a “Mentor” a “Mentee” or BOTH (we encourage Young Professionals who have a few years of post-grad experience to take advantage of the latter option), and provide a link to your online profile (LinkedIn, IEEE, etc.). Following registration, look out for an email from SSIT’s Young Professional Chair, Ali Muzaffar and Student Activities Committee Chair, Saiteja Karingu who will follow up to let you know about action items and next steps.

We are excited to join hands with you on this journey of sharing knowledge through the power of mentorship and networking.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

Questions regarding the ISTAS21 Mentoring Sessions can be directed to

Ali Muzaffar
SSIT Young Professionals Chair

Privacy Program Manager @ Facebook, Menlo Park - California

Saiteja Goud Karingu
Publicity & SSIT Student Activities Committee Chair