The third edition of the summer course is going to be hosted by Universidad Galileo and organized by the 2024 IEEE Latin American Conference LAEDC from May 04th – 06th 2024 in Guatemala City, Guatemala. This will be a three-day workshop including lectures, guided laboratories, tours, hands-on training, and research experience in the design, fabrication, and applications of integrated circuits (IC) fabricated in Latin America.
This Summer School features high-quality speakers. It will be a three-day course with 09 lectures from Industry (Synopsys) and Academia (Universidad Galileo/USF).
Universidad Galileo
7ma. Avenida Final, Calle Dr. Eduardo Suger, Zona 10
Guatemala City, Guatemala
- Scholarship opportunities for selected participants including registration, lodging, and meals. No travel expenses will be covered.
- Presentations for remote participants
- Certificate of Completion (require attendance to all sessions
- Submission deadline: April 24th, 2024
- Acceptance notification: April 26th, 2024
Virtual participation.
- Submission deadline: April 28th, 2024
- Priority will be given to the scholarship to active IEEE EDS Students and IEEE EDS Members.
- All accepted participants must have commitment to attend in-person to the summer school are responsible to find travel support and visa arrangements (in case needed).
In-person participants must arrive on Friday May 03rd and may depart on Tuesday May 07th 2024.
Start | Finish | Duration | Description | Room |
7:30 | 8:30 | 1:00 | REGISTATION | 401 T1 |
8:30 | 9:00 | 0:30 | Opening remarks by Summer School Chair: Oscar Rodas - Universidad Galileo |
401 T1 |
9:00 | 10:00 | 1:00 | Introduction to the Design of digital integrated circuits and RTL Writing: Víctor Grimblatt - Synopsys |
401 T1 |
10:00 | 10:20 | 0:20 | COFFEE BREAK | 401 T1 |
10:20 | 13:00 | 2:40 | Integrated circuit design using Verilog: Victor Grimblatt - Synopsys |
401 T1 |
13:00 | 14:00 | 1:00 | LUNCH | Pérgola |
14:00 | 15:30 | 1:30 | Verification, Synthesis and optimization of Digital Integrated Circuits - Part 1: Victor Grimblatt, Esteban Viveros - Synopsys |
401 T1 |
15:30 | 16:00 | 0:30 | COFFEE BREAK | 401 T1 |
16:00 | 18:00 | 2:00 | Verification, Synthesis and optimization of Digital Integrated Circuits - Part 2: Victor Grimblatt, Esteban Viveros - Synopsys |
401 T1 |
Start | Finish | Duration | Description | Room |
8:30 | 10:15 | 1:45 | Low Power Design Techniques and Circuit Testability: Victor Grimblatt & Esteban Viveros - Synopsys |
401 T1 |
10:15 | 10:30 | 0:15 | COFFEE BREAK | 401 T1 |
10:30 | 12:30 | 2:00 | Place & Route, Signoff (Part 1): Esteban Viveros - Synopsys |
401 T1 |
12:30 | 13:30 | 1:00 | LUNCH | Pérgola |
13:30 | 14:15 | 0:45 | Place & Route, Signoff (Part 2): Esteban Viveros - Synopsys |
401 T1 |
14:15 | 15:30 | 1:15 | Open Source Fabrication and LatinPractice: Camilo Vélez - Latin Practice |
401 T1 |
15:30 | 15:45 | 0:15 | COFFEE BREAK | 401 T1 |
15:45 | 16:45 | 1:00 | The Semiconductor Industry and Opportunities for Latin America: Fernando Guarín - IEEE EDS |
401 T1 |
16:45 | 17:30 | 0:45 | IC Reliability: Fernando Guarín - IEEE EDS |
401 T1 |
17:30 | 18:15 | 0:45 | Control systems for IC Manufacturing and fabrication challenges: Wilfrido Moreno - University of South Florida |
401 T1 |
Start | Finish | Duration | Group 1 | Group 2 | Room |
8:30 | 10:30 | 2:00 | Desiging a Professional PCB for STEM Education using Altium Designer (Part 1): Cristian Aguilar - Universidad Galileo |
Desiging a Professional PCB for Monitoring Air Quality using Kicad (Part 1): Angel Isidro - Universidad Galileo |
Group 1 - Lab 202 T1 Group 2 - Lab 215 T1 |
10:30 | 11:00 | 0:30 | COFFEE BREAK | Ouside Laboratories | |
11:00 | 13:00 | 2:00 | Desiging a Professional PCB for STEM Education using Altium Designer (Part 2): Cristian Aguilar - Universidad Galileo |
Desiging a Professional PCB for Monitoring Air Quality using Kicad (Part 2): Angel Isidro - Universidad Galileo |
Group 1 - Lab 202 T1 Group 2 - Lab 215 T1 |
13:00 | 14:00 | 1:00 | LUNCH | Pérgola | |
14:00 | 16:00 | 2:00 | Guided Tour: Robotics Labs (2), Electronics Labs with Virtual Instrumentation & PCBA Demo | Guided Tour: Robotics Labs (2), Electronics Labs with Virtual Instrumentation & PCBA Demo | Various Laboratories |
16:00 | 16:30 | 0:30 | Solving problems for industry - PipEnspector Julio Fajardo - Universidad Galileo |
401 T1 | |
16:30 | 17:00 | 0:30 | COFFEE BREAK | 401 T1 | |
17:00 | 17:30 | 0:45 | Building and IoT Low Cost Sensor Air Quality Monitoring Network - MONAIR Oscar Rodas - Universidad Galileo |
401 T1 | |
17:30 | 18:00 | 0:30 | Workshop Closing and Feedback Session | 401 T1 |