The International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics is the premier international meeting on microwave photonic devices, systems, and applications.
The broadband, low-loss transmission capability of optical fiber links has led to much interest in their use in the distribution and control of microwave and millimeter-wave signals. Application areas include antenna remoting for wireless data and cellular radio systems, optically controlled phased array antennas, optical processing of microwave signals and broadband cable television distribution. Photonics enables new microwave system functions such as long delays lines, fast spectrum analysis, frequency conversion, probing and control of microwave devices, low phase-noise oscillators, and ultra-fast analog-to-digital converters. Conversely, microwave techniques are enabling new generations of optical communication systems with capabilities exceeding 1 Tb/s/fiber.
Associated with the evolution of these systems is the development of high-speed optical sources, modulators and detectors with bandwidths extending into the millimeter-wave region.
The International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics provides a forum for the presentation of new advances in this multi-disciplinary research area, ranging from novel devices to systems field trials. It is held annually and rotates between the Americas, the Asia-Pacific region and Europe.
The International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics co-sponsored by the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, the IEEE Photonics Society, and the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan.
MWP rotates on a triennial basis among locations in Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific regions. Since 1996, the conference has been held in the locations listed below:
MWP2022 Florida (conducted virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
MWP2021 Pisa, Italy (conducted virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
MWP2020 Matsue, Japan (conducted virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
MWP2019 Ottawa, Canada
MWP2018 Toulouse, France
MWP2017 Beijing, China
MWP2016 Long Beach, California, U.S.
MWP2015 Paphos, Cyprus
MWP2014 Sapporo, Japan
MWP2013 Alexandria, Virginia
MWP2012 Noordwijk, The Netherlands
MWP2011 Singapore
MWP2010 Montreal, Canada
MWP2009 Valencia, Spain
MWP2008 Gold Coast, Australia
MWP2007 Victoria, Canada
MWP2006 Grenoble, France
MWP2005 Seoul, Korea
MWP2004 Ogunquit, Maine, U.S.
MWP2003 Budapest, Hungary
MWP2002 Awaji-Yumebutai, Japan
MWP2001 Long Beach, California
MWP2000 Oxford, UK
MWP1999 Melbourne, Australia
MWP1998 Princeton, New Jersey
MWP1997 Duisburg, Germany
MWP1996 Kyoto, Japan