Sponsor & Exhibit

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Please join us to celebrate the 140th IEEE Electrical & Digital Innovation Renaissance across three centuries.

We would like to invite you as a sponsor at the 2024 IEEE New Era summit (https://attend.ieee.org/newera/). The conference is scheduled to happen on 24th Aug – TBD in Seattle, WA in The Collective Seattle, Washington.

Conference attendees represent the brightest young minds in which your company would like to invest. Importantly, sharing your company story and the projects on which you work, can attract this top talent to your company. Sponsors will have unparalleled access and opportunities to influence the next generation of innovators and contributors to the emerging technologies and the markets of the future.

On Aug 24-TBD, the first day, attendees hear and learn AI breakthrough frontiers from our speakers including distinguished Industrial keynotes from Dr. Peter Lee, President of Microsoft Research; Dr. Blaise Agüera Arcas, Vice President, Fellow, and CTO of Google; Dr. Juan LaVista Ferres, Corporate vice president and Chief Data Scientist, AI for Good, Microsoft; Dr. Kristin Luter, Senior Director of FAIR Labs, Meta; Rish Tandon, VP Meta; Dr. Bill Dally, Chief Scientist at Nvidia Research; and Dr. Stefano Soatto, VP AWS AI Labs.

Also hear from outstanding institutional and academic leaders who will share their unique insights on historical AI breakthroughs research and Human ethics, values, and responsibilities. These leaders include Prof. Steven Brunton, NSF AI Institute in Dynamic Systems; Prof. Blake Hannaford of the UW Bio Robotic Lab; Prof. Chirag Shah, UW Co-Founder of RAISE.

The first day concludes with a Networking After Party.

In fall attendees will learn about unlocking frontiers in AI/ML in Medicine, Manufacturing, Supply chain, Digital twin, new AI/ML tools & usage, people-centric public policies and more in our 20 AI enablement workshops.

The IEEE New Era 2024 is excited to present a variety of sponsorship packages. With a range of sponsorship packages available, we can work with you to create a customized partnership that meets your marketing goals and objectives.

Sponsorship Packages







VIP Tickets 5 4 3 2 1
Booth spaces 3 2 1 1 1
Recruiting yes yes yes yes yes
Discounted registrations 80 60 50 30 5
Networking reception tickets 60 40 30 10 2

To discuss options, contact our sponsorships chair.

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    The 2024 IEEE New Era summit is sponsored by the IEEE Seattle Section, IEEE Region 6, IEEE Industry Engagement Committee, IEEE-USA and UNECSO Washington State Center. Technical sponsorship by IEEE Region 4 and IEEE Canada.