Congratulations, PEDG 2021 Author!

Before submitting your final paper, review the Final Manuscript template and verify that your paper meets the specifications.
Your manuscript should also comply with other requirements listed in the Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
Your manuscript will be subjected to plagiarism checks through IEEE Crosscheck, which is a requirement for all IEEE Conference Publications.
Non-compliance may result in IEEE refusing to publish your final paper on IEEEXplore.

You must submit your PEDG 2021 Final Manuscript using the Ex Ordo platform – use the login credentials you used for Extended Manuscript submission

A note on Ex Ordo submission: We understand that the Ex Ordo submission system will require the submitting author to enter the conference registration numbers of all authors. Not all authors need to be registered for the conference, only one author’s registration is required. Please enter the registration number for at least one author. For the other authors please enter “NA” in the registration number field. We apologize for the inconvenience and we’re working with Ex Ordo to identify a solution.