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Like IEEE WIE, IEEE Professional Communication Society pledges to work towards gender-diversified panels at all IEEE meetings, conferences, and events, including our own.
Irish BBQ and Awards Celebration
Sunday at 7pm, on campus.

Banquet at Knappogue Castle
Busses for the Medieval Castle Banquet on Tuesday will leave at 5:30pm.

Though Limerick is one of the largest cities in Ireland, it is a charming and easy-to-navigate venue for travelers.
The Shannon Airport is only 20kms (about 12.5 miles) from Limerick, and is the most convenient international access for the western Ireland region. Conference attendees will find a wealth of historical sites in Limerick and nearby. Galway and Ennis are nearby via highway N18; good highways also link to Cork, Killarney, and Dublin. Art and music are part of the Irish soul, no matter where you travel.